Youth Forum

The Ontario and Nunavut Youth Forum consists of up to 11 youth members that are between 14 and 17 years of age from across Ontario and Nunavut. Youth Forum members apply to participate and are selected to provide input to Ontario Council. They are ambassadors in Ontario and may represent youth members in the media or at Guiding events. Youth Forum members are encouraged to take on projects, join committees and be engaged and involved in Ontario and Nunavut Guiding!

Get to know your Ontario and Nunavut Provincial Youth Forum and what it is we do by watching this short video.

To reach the Youth Forum, contact the Youth Forum Coordinator at

Invite a Youth Forum member to your event! Complete the Invitation Request form.

Frequently asked questions about Youth Forum

Meet the 2023-2024 Youth Forum

Kaitlyn A.

"Hi my name is Kaitlyn! I'm a grade 10 student and a 1st year Ranger. I've been in Guiding for about eight years. Something that I like about Guiding is all of the really fun activities that we do and all of the leadership opportunities. It's one of the reasons I applied to be on the Youth Forum. This will be my second year on the Youth Forum and I look forward to the year. "

Angelina L.

"Hey everyone, it’s Angelina and I’m back for my second and final year on the Ontario Nunavut Youth Forum! It’s also my final year of high school, and I’m so excited to move on to new and bigger things in the future. It’s crazy to think that I’ll (legally) become an adult in March, so I’ll try my best to make the most out of my last months as a girl guide, a Youth Forum member, and just as a kid! I can’t wait to see all the great things we will accomplish together this year :) "

Aisha R.

"Hello! My name is Aisha. I am 17 years old and in grade 12. I am starting my third and final year in Rangers and my 13th year in Guiding. This is my second year on Youth Forum. Guiding has taught me to grow, learn and develop new skills, meet new friends, and always be willing to try something new. My favourite subjects in school are math and science. In addition, I enjoy reading, crocheting, and gaming when I am not busy with extracurricular activities. I am very passionate about the environment, helping others, and learning all that the world has to offer. I am the president of my school's event club, planning events and activities for all the school body to enjoy. I am also a program instructor at Skate Canada, teaching children to skate. I am so excited to be a part of the Ontario and Nunavut Youth Forum this Guiding year!"

Zahra A.

"Hello! My name is Zahra, and I am in 12th grade. I am a third-year Ranger and a second-year junior leader! I have been in Girl Guides since I was five years old and have continued to sell cookies every year since! My favorite activities in Girl Guides are crafting, playing and making games, and, of course, planning and going on camping trips. I love reading, swimming, dancing, and am always ready for a good movie marathon! I am so happy to be part of the forum this 2023-2024 season and am so grateful to be representing the youth, and I hope to contribute to helping make all girls have the opportunity to enjoy being a Guider as much as I have these past 10 years!"

Ainsley M.

"My name is Ainsley and I’m in Grade 11. This is my tenth year of guiding and I’m currently in my 3rd year of Trex. I really enjoy the camping and outdoor aspects of this guiding branch. This is my first year in the Youth Forum. In my free time you can find me traveling the world, in my craft studio, writing poems or on a rugby pitch. I’m really excited to meet new people and develop my leadership skills. I cannot wait to see what we can accomplish this year! "

Natalie F.

"Hi! My name is Natalie. I am a first-year Ranger and a recent recipient of the Canada Cord Award. I am currently a Grade 10 student at a specialized high school sciences program in Southern Ontario. Other than gender equity in the STEM field, I am also passionate about advocating for diversity and representation. It is very important to me that Guiding is a place where we celebrate each other's differences and where girls feel like they belong. Outside of Guiding, I love swimming, karate, reading and crocheting. I hold an Assistant Instructor certification from Lifesaving Society and am now working towards the National Lifeguard and Swim Instructor certifications. I also enjoy volunteering, particularly at the local food bank. I am very excited to be a member of the Ontario and Nunavut Youth Forum this year and looking forward to contributing my efforts to make Guiding a fantastic experience for everyone!"

Asma R.

Asma R.

"Hi! My name is Asma. I am 15 years old and I am in grade 11 this year. I am starting my second year in Rangers and my 12th year in Guiding. Guiding has helped me develop new interests and skills, make friends from across the country, give back to my community, and take on leadership roles! Through Guiding, I have learned many valuable skills and benefited from all the wonderful people I have met. My favourite subjects in school are biology and chemistry. When I am not Guiding or studying, I love to go skating and do calligraphy. I’m also very passionate about helping the environment, volunteering, and being involved in my community. I’m part of the SEAT program, where my group designed a heater for bus stops. I am also a program instructor at Skate Canada, teaching kids how to skate. I am incredibly excited to be on the Ontario and Nunavut Youth Forum once again and to see what else is in store for this Guiding year! ”

Betty R.

"Hello! My name is Betty and this is my first year on Youth Forum! I am in Grade 10 and starting my first year in Rangers. Over the past 5 years I've been in Guiding, it has given me so much. Girl Guides has taught me to enjoy challenges and try new things, and it's always been a safe space to grow. I'm a Canada Cord recipient and have volunteered with my local Guide unit. Outside of Guiding, I'm a swimmer and a runner, and a member of my school's Student Council. I'm passionate about world issues, environmental action, and learning. When I'm not reading, you can find me trying a new sewing pattern or dying my hair a fun new colour! I am excited to share what Youth Forum does with younger branches because I would have loved to know about it as a young Guide!! I can't wait to start making a difference for Ontario & Nunavut Girls! "

Evie O.

"Hi! My name is Evie and I am a Grade 11 student. I am a second year Ranger and this is my 12th year in Guiding. I can confidently say that Girl Guides has changed my life for the better. I’ve made lasting friendships, built my confidence and worked on my leadership. In Guiding, I love to participate in community events and fundraisers as well as camping with my unit and being a Junior Leader for an Embers/Guides unit. Outside of Guiding, I love to be outside, bake, and listen to music. I am also a member of the youth climate council in my city and multiple clubs at school. I am passionate about the environment, social justice and women empowerment. I am so excited to be working on the Forum this year! I can’t wait to have an opportunity to empower as well as represent girls and youth from across Ontario and Nunavut!"

Hartley G.

"Hey y’all, my name is Hartley. I am a third-year Ranger from Southwestern Ontario, and this will be my second year on Youth Forum! I have been in Guiding for eight years, and spent the last two years as a junior leader in addition to being a member in my unit. I love everything about Guiding, especially camping, bridging events and making swaps! I absolutely love volunteering with younger units and planning meetings and camps! Outside of Guiding, I love hanging out with my family and friends, and trying new things. I volunteer with a number of organizations and can also be found in the kitchen baking! I’m passionate about all things women empowerment, the environment, and peace. I am so excited to be a part of this year’s Youth Forum to represent girls in Guiding throughout Ontario and Nunavut for the second time!"

Vani K.

Vani K

"Hi! I’m Vani and I’m excited for Youth Forum Round 2. I live in Ontario; I’m in grade 11 and a second-year Ranger. I love Guiding and I want to give back to my Guiding community for all the amazing experiences, friendships and support I have had the chance to enjoy. In my free time, I love playing sports (badminton, curling and volleyball), learning languages, and enjoying nature. I also love listening to music, especially by Taylor Swift. Girl Guides has helped me develop skills that help me every day. I'm more than happy to represent youth and give back to my Guiding community by being a part of Youth Forum this Guiding year!"

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