Guider Responsibilities

All Guiders must represent Girl Guides of Canada, in line with the Code of Conduct and demonstrating the values of our Mission Vision Promise and Law.

We want you to be a catalyst for each girl's success during their Outdoor Experience! Guiders have responsibilities to register and make payment for the experience (by unit banking transfer) and to provide the necessary forms to parents for authorization before the event. During the event, Guiders are responsible for supervision and ensuring girls are housed properly. Guiders are also responsible for medication distribution and record keeping in accordance with Safe Guide.

For full details, visit the Terms and Conditions.

Responsible Guider

As per Safe Guide, there must be a Responsible Guider (RG) at each Experience. A Guider may indicate their interest in volunteering for this role on the registration form. One adult volunteer attending the Experience will be selected for the role. If no adult volunteers for this role during the registration process, an adult will be selected by GGCON. The RG is the Experience ambassador, helping to welcome all participants to the Outdoor Experience and foster a sense of community and sisterhood among participants.

  • The RG will need to be present for the full duration of the Experience.
  • The RG must have completed the Safe Guide training module.
  • The RG will act as a liaison between the facility and other attendees, connecting with staff upon arrival at the site to let them know GGC has arrived, connecting with the other units/participants attending and letting the staff know once all units/participants have arrived at the Experience (as required).
  • The RG will allow GGCON to provide their contact information to the Outdoor Experience facility/organization (name and phone number) and provide their name/unit name to the other participants.
  • The RG is not required to submit any Safe Guide paperwork (that has been taken care of by Ontario Council staff), however their name will be listed on Safe Guide submissions as the Responsible Guider and the RG may need to enact procedure in the case of an incident or emergency situation. All completed and approved Safe Guide paperwork will be provided to the RG via email prior to the Outdoor Experience.
  • For Outward Bound Experiences, the RG will be sent GGC paperwork for each participant prior to the experience. The RG must print these forms, bring them and keep them with her for the duration of the Experience.
  • In the case of any incidents, the RG must sign off on the INS.01 and ensure it is submitted to, although it is the Unit Guiders' responsibility to complete the incident report, if required.
  • The RG will act as a liaison with the facility in the event of an incident or emergency situation.
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