Safe Guide Forms

Yellow and Red activity Safe Guide forms are to be submitted through the GGC Portal to submit forms

Submit Forms

How to use GGC Portal (PDF)
How to use GGC Portal (Video Tutorials)

The following timeline for Safe Guide submissions apply:

  • For yellow events: 14 days prior to your activity or event.
  • For yellow events with more than 75 participant: 21 days prior to your activity/event.
  • For red events: 21 days prior to your activity/event 
  • For green events: safe guide forms do not need to be submitted
  • For interprovincial/international under 72 hours event: 30 days prior
  • For interprovincial/international trips over 72 hours: see timelines on the 1 - International Group Trip Planning Timeline form

After you submit your forms

  • you will receive an automatic response (with your tracking number) that your forms have been submitted. This is not an automatic acknowledgement (yellow level) or approval (red level) for your activity.
  • Once the assessor has reviewed your forms you will receive an email either acknowledging (yellow level) or approving (red level) your forms from the GGC Portal.
  • The Safe Guide Assessor may request clarification or additional information. Please follow up with her as soon as possible so that she can complete the assessment of your activity. Include your tracking number when responding.
  • If, after submitting your forms, you have not heard from an assessor within one week, please e-mail the Safe Guide Adviser as above quoting your tracking number.
  • If you have not received authorization for your activity at least three days prior to your activity, contact Safe Guide Adviser as above, quoting your tracking number to request a status update.

Safe Guide Resources and Support

*Sample forms (not to be used as-is; please personalize the forms for each specific activity and your own unit).

  • Safe Guide manual
  • Safe Guide forms
  • *SG.4 Regular Unit Meeting (URL)
  • *SG.1 Overnight Camp (URL)
  • *SG.3 Overnight Camp (URL)
  • *SG.4 Overnight Camp (URL)
  • – for questions about interpreting Safe Guide and completing forms
  • – for questions about submitting forms and using the GGC Portal
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