Keji Tri-Ventures

Keji Tri Venture Provincial Camp

We are very excited to announce that our Provincial Council will be hosting an Adventure camp this summer in Kejimkujik National Park for teens. This camp will have an active front country section with daily hiking, biking and canoeing excursions, as well as cultural and natural history activities. We will also have several backcountry options for those interested in trying a few nights deep in the heart of Keji via canoe or hiking or both.

This camp will be open to all registered Pathfinders, Rangers and Bridging Members in the province. 

It will be a five day four night camp based out of the group campground in Jeremy's Bay, Kejimkujik. Please note, this camp will require a high level of physical fitness from all members (except for perhaps the Quartermaster and assistant).

Currently we are looking for Guiders to lead this camp.

  • Who: Pathfinders, Rangers and Bridging Members
  • When: July 23-28, 2024
  • Where: Kejimkujik National Park
  • Cost: TBA

Participant Information

Participants have the option to apply to spend two nights of the camp with a small group in the backcountry or stay with a larger group the whole time in the front country (accessible by car but in tents).

There are three backcountry options available:

  1. Moving canoe trip
  2. Moving hiking trip
  3. One night hiking and then return via canoe
  • All participants will be required to spend many hours each day in strenuous exercise partaking in a variety of exercises. All front country participants will spend time hiking, canoeing and biking. 
  • Front country participants must be able to bike for several kilometres.
  • Previous canoe experience is required to register in either of the canoe backcountry trips.
  • Participants choosing the hiking option must be able to carry all of their equipment and some group gear on their back.
  • All participants will need to be comfortable going in a canoe. Proof of having completed the Boat test is required prior to arrival at camp.
  • All tents,canoes and bikes will be provided. Please reach out to your unit guider or District if you require to borrow additional personal gear.

Acceptance emails will be sent out in May. Payment and Health forms will be due at that time.

Questions may be directed to

Adult Volunteer Application form

Participant Application Form

More information on Roles and Responsibilities.

10/22/2024 9:49:06 AM