Summer Camp 2024

GGC Summer Camp

What does our camp have to offer?

Hiking, swimming, canoeing, rowing, games, challenges, friendships new and old, outdoor cooking and dining, nature and sleeping in tents or under the stars...all wrapped up in the serene and quiet beauty of acres of land and waterfront. 


More details and registration by branch below.

3-Day Spark and Ember Camp

This camp is just the right size for the experienced Spark or the younger Ember who is ready to camp without their family! A short camp of four days and three nights is the perfect fit for that young camper ready to head out on their own, and develop new skills through various activities around camp, and out on the lake.

July 14-17 or July 21-24 - $275 (incl. taxes)

Register now.

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GGC Quebec Camp

We will be hiring weekend lifeguards and boating specialists for the months of June, August and September, and full-time waterfront staff, Programmers and Counsellors for the month of July. For more information contact

240 ch. lac Bouchette,
Morin Heights, QC J0R 1H0

7/27/2024 2:01:25 AM