Aurora Adventures

Aurora Adventures

About Aurora Adventures Area

Aurora Adventures Area Council, Girl Guides of Canada, encompasses the Yukon and Northwest Territories.

Girl Guides of Canada is the largest organization for girls and women in Canada. Guiding today is a product of 100 years of history. It's fun, active and relevant to the girls and women of today.

Guide units around Aurora Adventures Area are doing amazing things and having great adventures! These activities are girl-driven and help ensure that Guides are ready to face the world today and meet the challenges of tomorrow with confidence.

Guiding is open to everyone--girls, women, young, old, those with children in the organization and those without. Why not become a Member?

Aurora Adventures Training

There will be trainings scheduled in the future, but if you are interested in taking Safe Guide - upcoming calls are listed in the ANY Guiding News. If you are interested in taking some of the online training, please contact the Area Commissioner at AuroraAdventuresArea@AlbertaGirlGuides.

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