

Awards Lead:

ANY Council Awards

For more information about the following awards, please visit the MZ Member Awards page.

Gold Thanks, Unit Guider Award (Bronze, Silver, Gold), Commissioner’s, Team, Merit (Bronze, Silver, Gold), Medal of Merit, Beaver Award, Gold Maple Leaf Award, Honorary Life Award, Fortitude Award and Valour Award.

ANY Council Awards

Alberta Rose

The Alberta Rose Award is a very special Alberta Council award, which may be presented to someone who is making an outstanding contribution to Guiding within Alberta, Northwest Territories or the Yukon.


  • The Medal of Merit is a prerequisite for the Alberta Rose.
  • The Guider's service may be to adults or girls.
  • Service need not include an Alberta Council position or be known within the Alberta Council jurisdiction.
  • Service must be ongoing, and she must still be serving and intend to continue serving Guiding.
  • Service must be above and beyond the requirements of the position.
  • Approval cannot be based solely on past service already recognized by an award. Additional service since the last award presented must be documented in the supporting letters.
  • Three Letters of support are required.

Special Note: A certificate will accompany the Alberta Rose Award.

Ivy Award

The Ivy Award is presented to long time Guiders who exhibit the qualities of reliability, loyalty and friendship and who continue to serve in a unit or district, on a committee or as a member of a Trefoil Guild. They are always there to lend a hand, for example, when an extra Guider is needed for a unit or District event, to man an information table, mentor another member or to be a first aider.


  • There is no prerequisite for this award.
  • The Guider’s service may be to adults or girls.
  • To be considered for this award, a Guider’s service must involve a consistent continuing effort throughout the Guider’s years of service. This service should mainly support Guiding at some level.
  • The Guider must have served at least 25 years as an adult member of which at least 15 are in Alberta, Northwest Territories or the Yukon.
  • There must be at least 3 years since the presentation of another award excluding Letter of Commendation, Gold Thanks, Team Award or Unit Guider Award.
  • Three letters are required.

Special Note: A certificate will accompany the Ivy Award.

Junior Leader Award

This special award is for Junior Leaders who are showing their leadership abilities. It is for those girl assistants who help their units consistently and take an active leadership role. It is more than leading an occasional game or helping with a craft. There is no requirement to be involved at any other level.


  • Girls have been a Junior Leader/Girl Assistant for at least 1 year.
  • attend meetings regularly and let the Guider know if they are unable to attend a meeting.
  • They take part in planning the unit activities along with the unit Guiders.
  • Are able and willing to plan and lead some program activities for the unit or a small group of girls in the unit. This might involve some preparation of materials at home.
  • They engage the girls attention showing good leadership skills.
  • show an enjoyment in the Junior Leader role and have fun with the girls in the unit.
  • The award will be in 3 levels:
    • Bronze 1-2 years
    • Silver 3-4 years
    • Gold - 5 + years
  • Girls in the unit may nominate the Junior Leaders in their units.

Special Note: A Junior Leader may receive any or all the Awards during her tenure in Guiding, based on the number of years served as A Junior Leader/Girl Assistant. A certificate will accompany this award.

Provincial Commissioner Promise Award

To be able to give an award to longer serving members of Guiding who continue to actively participate within the jurisdiction of Alberta Council.


  • A minimum of 25 years of adult service in Alberta Council jurisdiction.
  • Must have been a unit Guider for at least 15 of those years.
  • Must have served on a district/division/area/Alberta Council
  • Must hold the Alberta Rose
  • Continues to live the ideals of the Promise as indicated below.
  • Four letters of support are required.

Special Note: A certificate will accompany the award and a biography along with a presentation photo will be put into a Book of Honour at Alberta Council Archives.

Appreciation Awards

Informal/Fun Appreciation Awards

Girl Greatness Award

Girl Greatness Award


  • Can be presented to any youth member with a nomination by another youth member or Guider in their unit. Card and crest are sold together.
  • This award does not need to be submitted through the portal.
  • If you have questions, please email

Special Note: Award comes with card. Can be ordered on the ANY Council Crest Order Form.

Awards Tips and Tricks

Address for Mailing Award on Application

All awards are sent to ANY Council. Please use the address below for this section - Where would you like the award pin mailed?

11055 107 St. NW
Edmonton, AB
T5H 2Z6

Letter Writing Webinar

Need help with writing your letter for an award nomination? Check out this letter writing webinar video.

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