
Provincial Membership Adviser at

The purpose of the Alberta Council Membership Committee is to recruit, retain, recognize and reward new and current Members. The committee is comprised of Area Membership Advisers, Link Liaison, Trefoil Guild Liaison, Awards Lead and the Alberta Council Membership Adviser.

Adult Membership Registration

If you’re looking to join ANY Council for the 2024-2025 Guiding year as a Link, Trefoil, or Member-at-Large adult member, please complete the ANY Council Adult Membership Renewal Form.


Pocket Pals are meant to be printed, cut along the grey lines, and stapled together.

Police Record Check (PRC) Renewals

Members' PRC Renewals: All Members in Alberta, Northwest Territories and Yukon will receive a renewal e-mail from the National office three months ahead of their PRC expiry date. This email will include instructions and a link to the GGC Members' landing page to start their renewal process through Sterling Talent Solutions (formerly known as BackCheck). For Members without email addresses, renewal forms will be sent out through the mail. There is no charge to Guiders to use this renewal service.

Non-Members PRC Renewals note that Non-Member Volunteers of Girl Guides of Canada requiring a PRC can apply and pay for the service directly online, using Sterling Talent Solutions (formerly known as BackCheck). To take advantage of a reduced fee ($23.00 + GST), your membership office can provide you with an online link for this service. Simply call 1-800-565-8111 to be connected with the office nearest you.

Guiders can access the required forms (A.7) for Non-Member Volunteers through Member Zone (Admin/Forms/Adults), and can contact their membership (iMIS) home with any questions regarding PRCs for these individuals.

Click on a tab below to view the forms under each group:



  • Start a Unit Kit  Do you need to open a new unit but you're not sure how to go about it? This kit contains step-by-step information including how to obtain financial assistance.
  • A “How To” Guide for Multi-branch Units  Do you want to start a unit in your community but don’t have enough girls for one branch? Start a Guiding Unit with several branches meeting and working together. This booklet tells you how to do it.

Recognize / Reward

  • All you need to know about the formal awards that are available. Remember, anyone can nominate a sister Guider for an award.  Click here to go to the Awards page.

  • The Membership Pin - the Membership Pin celebrates the length of time a person is a member of Girl Guides of Canada - Guides du Canada and the fact that she has contributed from youth to adult.

  • Informal/Fun Appreciation Awards
    Some simple and fun ways to say "Thank you!"
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