There are many ways to participate in TEAM trainings to enhance or brush up on your skills! All trainings are facilitated by volunteer trainers who are skilled in helping you learn in a fun and supportive atmosphere. Your time is a very precious commodity so we do our best to work with every schedule – just let us know what you need.
Webinar Training
Join in a training session using your own computer or mobile device from the comfort of your home. Have a few other Guiders in your district or area join. No need to leave your house and no need for a babysitter.
Register online up to a maximum of 50 participants or two days prior to the training. The sessions last about 90 minutes, joining instructions are sent out about a week prior and a reminder is sent the day before. Any relevant materials will be emailed to you in advance of the training.
Please take a look at the GuidePost or Provincial Training Events to view upcoming webinar trainings. Follow each event’s registration process.
E-Learning Library
With e-learning, you use your computer, linked to the internet, to access training materials. The sessions are designed to lead you through the materials of the modules. You can access this type of learning whenever you want and work at your own speed. There is a small charge for accessing each e-learning module but this is considered a reasonable expense to charge to your unit or council. The fee can be paid either by credit card or you can obtain a pre-paid pin number from your area.
For more information please contact your District Commissioner, Area Training Adviser or visit our E-Learning “how to” page.
Telephone Training
Join other Guiders for a training without leaving your home or office. No need for baby sitters or car!
Join in a training session using your own phone. The cost of the phone call is covered in the registration fee which is a legitimate expense to charge to your unit or council. The fee covers the phone line, so if you want to gather several people around one phone you still only pay once. You will need to list everyone’s name and iMIS number on the application so they can get credit for the session.
Handouts will be emailed or mailed prior to the event. If you do not have access to email please request mailed copies on your registration form. The sessions last about 90 minutes and joining instructions are sent out once your registration is received.
Please note: All areas in AB, NWT and YK have agreed to cover the cost of Safe Guide Telephone Training for their members.
Please take a look at the Provincial Training Calendar to view upcoming telephone and in-person trainings taking place in your area. Follow each event’s registration process.
In-Person Training
Guider trainings are usually very practical and fun! Not only will you find an experienced Guide Guider trainer leading the session but participants are also encouraged to share ideas and experiences. Many areas and districts run trainings locally in the evenings and on weekends. In-person trainings are organized by districts, areas and the province. They take place in a variety of venues including homes, community centers, schools and camp sites.
Some sessions are free but for others, such as those using a lot of materials or overnight sessions, have a cost associated with them. Many units and councils will cover all or part of this fee. Talk to your District Commissioner for more details.
If your council or community is interested in holding a training locally, talk to your Area Training Adviser – she will be able to help with ideas and finding appropriate trainers.
Indoor Overnight Training Events
The ultimate in-person training! Join other Guiders in an indoor, overnight setting, and experience not only fun-filled informative sessions but share in the sisterhood of Guiding.
Most provincially organized trainings for adults are indoor, overnight events, held on weekends. Details of how to apply and the sessions being offered are advertised in GuidePost, Blueprint, and posted on the Alberta Council Training page as the date gets closer.
Our three annual Provincially Sponsored Training events are:
- Multifaceted - As the name implies this training has a variety of topics to suit new and Guiders new more experienced Guiders. This is an ideal opportunity for a district team to travel together for a weekend of learning and fellowship! Training sessions offered vary every year.
- Commissioners Workshop - Specifically designed for those who volunteer as Commissioners in Guiding but also open to Guiders who are considering of taking on one of these roles.
- Trainers Workshop - Specifically designed for Trainers, Trainer Candidates, and anyone considering becoming a Trainer. Trainers are provided opportunities to learn new techniques and keep current with GGC initiatives. Trainer Stream training is offered for those interested in becoming a Trainer.
View the Provincial Training Calendar for the dates of upcoming indoor, overnight training events or contact your Area Training Adviser for dates in your area.
Travelling Trainers
Did you know that Trainers can come to you? Are you and other members in your community looking for some ideas on incorporating the arts, or getting outside into your unit programming? We have trainers who are able to work with you to coordinate a visit to your community. We recognize that your time is precious and that you may not be able to attend in-person or indoor, overnight training events, so consider inviting us to you at a time that works!
For more information please submit a Travelling Trainer Request form
Please note:
Always speak with your Area Training Adviser prior to submitting travelling trainer requests!
Other Options
Think outside the box! If the training you want is not available, why not organize your own event with others in your district or area. If your local trainers can’t help we can always call on one of the 75+ trainers in the province! Distance a problem? Perhaps we could link your group with a trainer through a webcam, X box, etc. Want to explore this option? Talk to your local Area Training Adviser or email
"Success in training (youth) depends largely on the (adult’s) own personal example."
Robert Baden-Powell (edited to be non-gender specific)