The Three R’s
Renewal, Re-Appointment and Reporting
Updated November 2020
Trainers must ensure that the yearly renewal process and the 3-Year re-appointment requirements are completed by the due dates. Renewal and re-appointment of trainers is the responsibility of the Provincial Adviser.
You can find more information below or you can find more detailed information on our How-To Guide.
For Trainer Candidates
Once you are ready to go from Candidate to Trainer, please visit Becoming a Trainer for step by step instructions.
For Trainers and Trainer Candidates
Each year all Trainers and Trainer Candidates under the AB Council training team, must complete the National Annual Training Report (TR.4) AND the Provincial Trainer's Biographical Record (AB-Training.01). These forms list what trainings you have facilitated in the past year and what you are interested in training in the coming year. They must be sent to your Area Training Adviser for submission to the Provincial Training Committee by September 15th each year.
PLEASE NOTE: To be considered as a coordinator or trainer at a Provincial Training Event (ie Multi-Faceted, etc) your Trainer Biographical Record (AB-Training.01) MUST be submitted to your Area Training Adviser and the Provincial Training Committee NO LATER THAN September 15th. If your TR.4 is not submitted by the deadline, the Training Committee will assume you are taking a leave of absence for one year and will have your iMIS profile updated accordingly.
Yearly Renewal Process (Trainers and Candidates)
To maintain your training appointment, a trainer must be active in her position, training a minimum of 10 hours per year. This, along with the other requirements listed below, help to ensure that the needs of your training team and that of the local Guiders are met.
- Training a minimum of 10 hours per year (Trainers only):
- At least 3 hours of the 10 per year MUST be training the Foundation Modules.
- A maximum of 3 hours preparation time may be considered towards training hours.
- Participate in a minimum of 4 hours of personal learning per year (Trainers only). Examples include, but are not limited to:
- Trainings outside of Guiding
- Enrichment trainings
- Participation in provincial trainings and conferences
- Attend local training team meetings and events regularly, in person or via other means (Both Trainers and Candidates).
- Submit annual training forms, TR.4 and AB-Training.01, to your ATA before September 15th annually (Both Trainers and Candidates).
Trainer’s Biographical Record (AB - Training.01) Annual Trainer Report (TR.4)
Trainers are to complete the Annual Trainer Report (TR.4) to record the trainings they have given and trainings they have taken, during the one year timeframe. This form must be sent to their Area Training Adviser (ATA) for submission to the Provincial Training Committee (PTC) on or before September 15th each year. Failure to submit the TR.4 by the due date will imply that the trainer does not want to be a trainer anymore. Their iMIS profile will be updated accordingly, meaning that they will no longer have access to the training modules on
Member Zone nor be listed on the training roster.
Re-appointment Requirements
It is the responsibility of the Trainer to:
- attend a Provincial Trainer’s Workshop at least once within a 3 year period.
- find a training where she can be evaluated, in consultation with her ATA (or PTA, if there is no ATA). Since not all areas have a training coming up when the Trainer needs to be re-evaluated the reappointment evaluation can be done any time in the year preceding the reappointment date.
It is strongly recommended that the trainer take the following into consideration when choosing which session will be used for their reappointment evaluations:
- that the training session is done solo and not as a team training scenario.
- that the training session be either a Foundation or Enrichment module from the Training and Enrichment for Adult Members (TEAM).
At the end of a trainer’s three year term, she has the option to apply for re-appointment by submitting the TR.5, TR.6, and TR.8/equivalent summary, take a leave of absence for one year or resign.
If taking a leave of absence or resigning, trainers are to complete the Leave/Resignation Form (TR.7) and submit to their Area Training Adviser. It is the trainer’s responsibility to notify her ATA of her availability to return to the position. Trainers who have been inactive beyond one year are considered to have resigned.
Please note: Trainers who request a Leave of Absence are still expected to submit a TR.4 to their ATAs before September 15th if their LOA was submitted part way through the year.
The final approval for reappointment of a trainer is done by the Executive of the Provincial Training Committee.
For reappointment a trainer must participate in a peer review, performed by her training adviser, mentor or a designate and a participant’s review. The Trainer Self-Evaluation (TR.5) and the Trainer Observation Form (TR.6) Forms must be used. The Participant: Session Evaluation (TR.8 or an equivalent summary) must also be used.
- The TR.5 is meant to give the evaluated trainer:
- an opportunity to look inward at her skills and training techniques at what she would change or add
- an opportunity to set new goals with timelines
- The TR.6 with the Trainer Observation Rubric (see Forms & Resources page for a copy of the rubric, used with permission from BC Training Committee) is meant to give the evaluated trainer • valuable feedback
- suggestions for growth as a trainer
The TR.8 (or an equivalent summary) is meant to give the evaluated trainer
- feedback on participants' satisfaction with the content
- feedback on participants' satisfaction with the training methods used
- can provide the information on how to improve the training
Please note, these three evaluations must be from the same training session and should be sent into the trainer’s Area Training Adviser within 30 days of the end of the training session. Ideally the Trainer Observation Rubric will be included, but this is at the evaluated trainer’s discretion.
OAL Adventure Facilitators and Expedition Leaders
These roles do not map perfectly to the systems in place for Trainer re-appointment. For reappointment, Adventure Facilitators and Expedition Leaders need to demonstrate that they are continuing to adventure camp and can bring recent and relevant experience to the trainings.
As per the Training the OAL Adventure Camping Training Program FAQ, login to Memberzone required), Adventure Facilitators and Expedition Leaders will be asked to submit their Trip Experience Log to the Provincial Training Committee once every three years. Once received, the PTA, in collaboration with the Camping and Safe Guide Networks, will evaluate if the member is continuing to adventure camp, and keeping current as a Safe Guide Trip Assist and Trip Lead.
For WAGGGS Trainers
WAGGGS trainer end dates are updated based on the provincial trainer activity. The training committee track trainers to ensure they are fulfilling the reappointment requirements as listed above. When a WAGGGS trainer completes her re-appointment the PTA will advise the National Office who will then update the WAGGGS Trainer record. For more information about WAGGGS Trainer appointment or re-appointment please contact the Provincial Training Adviser.
For Area Training Advisers
Terms of Reference
The Terms of Reference for Area Training Advisers differs depending on the specific Area, but responsibilities relating to the support of Trainers in your area including your role in the appointment/reappointment process, as well as responsibilities to the Provincial Training Committee are the same for all Area Training Advisers.
These include:
- Ensuring all Trainers and Trainer Candidates in your Area are up to date on training related matters by conducting Area Training meetings as required,
- Send copies of Area Training Committee meeting minutes to the Provincial Training Adviser,
- Work with your Area Training Team (if applicable) to coordinate Area or District training events,
- Submit signed TR.3 Trainer Candidate Application forms and AB-Training.04 Trainer Candidate Reference forms to the Trainer Development Adviser. These can be submitted at any time during the year and must include a recommendation from your Area. Please note: The Area recommendation must be done in consultation with the Area Commissioner,
- Work with your Area Training Team to assign mentors to new Trainer Candidates,
- Following up with Trainers and Trainer Candidates in your Area to ensure they have submitted their annual TR.4 and AB-Training.01 forms to you prior to the yearly September 15th deadline.
- Submitting all TR.4s and AB-Training.01 forms to the Provincial Training Records Administrator on or before July 15th every year,
- Maintain an AB-Training.02 and AB-Training.03 for each Trainer and Candidate in your Area,
- Submit Trainer Candidate evaluation forms (TR.5, TR.6 and TR.8s) and an AB-Training.03 form which includes a note of recommendation from the Candidate’s mentor and the Area, to the Trainer Development Adviser. The TR.5, TR.6 and TR.8s will be sent to you after the Candidate has decided she is ready to become a trainer and has been evaluated, ideally within 30 days of the evaluated training session. Please note: The Area recommendation must be done in consultation with the Area Commissioner,
- Submit Trainer Reappointment forms (TR.5, TR.6 and TR.8s) and an AB-Training.02 form which includes a note of recommendation the Area, to the Trainer Development Adviser. The TR.5, TR.6 and TR.8s will be sent to you by the Trainer, ideally within 30 days of the evaluated training session. Please note: The Area recommendation must be done in consultation with the Area Commissioner,
- Attend Provincial Training Committee Meetings twice a year (September and April),
- Provide a semi-annual Area Training report to the Provincial Training Adviser two weeks prior to Training Committee Meetings (September and April). Include the following information:
- Upcoming Area/District Training Events Information to include:
- Name of Event
- Date of Event
- Beginning and end Time of Event
- Location of Event
- Sessions being offered
- How to register or who to contact for the event. (Include publishable contact info)
- Recap of trainings that took place in your Area held since last report to include:
- Dates
- Location (eg, living room, church hall, school, etc.)
- Type of training, (Safe Guide, Unit Guider Module, etc.)
- Name(s) of presenter(s)
- Number of participants
- Your successes (this is a good time to blow your own horn)
- Your challenges (this may help others who have the same challenges)
- Other Area specific training information of interest such as:
- It is always constructive to hear if you have additional input from Guiders in your Area about Provincial Training Events that they did not include in their evaluation for that event,
- List names of Guiders in your Area who have expressed an interest in becoming a trainer (not already registered),
- Challenges that the Trainers in your Area are experiencing, and if possible, ideas on solutions,
- Let us know if there is anything that the Prov Training Committee can do to assist you or the trainers in your area,
- Anything else that you might like to add.