Camp-Along 2025

Camp-Along 2025 Banner

Camp-Along 2025 is a new summer camping opportunity for Guiding members of all ages. It is a two-night Spark/Ember experience (Saturday, July 26 to Monday, July 28, 2025) and a five-night Guide/Pathfinder/Ranger experience (Tuesday, July 29 to Sunday, August 3, 2025), powered by Core Volunteers (on-site from the evening of Friday, July 25 onwards).

Events will take place at five locations across BC, with most held at camp properties owned by Girl Guides of Canada (GGC). Have fun along with new and old friends at Camp-Along in:

  • Coastal Camp-Along: Camp Olave, Sechelt
  • Valley Camp-Along: Camp McLanlin, Abbotsford
  • Northern Camp-Along: Camp Hughes, Prince George
  • Island Camp-Along: Camp Creina, Duncan
  • Okanagan Camp-Along: Camp Arbuckle, Lake Country

All events will run on the same dates, with the same theme, and with a similar participant experience, but an opportunity for local flair and flavour specific to your camp location.

Our goal is to make summer camping fun, easy, and accessible for as many members as possible, with a new approach to delivering camp experiences that meets the needs of today’s volunteers and youth with as few barriers to participation as possible. Bring along your Guiding BFFs for an epic experience along with our Guiding sisterhood.

Parents/Caregivers: To submit your interest for your Girl Guide member child to attend as a solo participant, please visit our provincial event calendarstarting Wednesday, November 6 at 9 a.m. PT, to join the first come, first served interest list. If your child is attending Camp-Along with a patrol led by a Guider they know, and they have a confirmed spot, please speak to your Unit Guider for patrol registration instructions.

Adult Guiders: To apply to bring a patrol, supervise a patrol of independent youth, or be a core volunteer, complete the online adult application form. Note that the deadline has now passed so late applications will only be considered where logistics allow.

Highlights of each location

Valley Camp-Along (Camp McLanlin in Abbotsford)

Featured activities are expected to include archery, nature exploring, slacklining, and mini golf. During the Guide/Pathfinder/Ranger camp, participants will also go on an out-trip to the high ropes course at WildPlay Maple Ridge and a visit to a local swimming pool to cool down and refresh. All Camp-Along camps also include art projects or crafts, science experiments, outdoor games, campfire singalongs, and/or other classic fun. Valley Camp-Along participants/patrols will be shuttled by bus from urban drop-off/pick-up locations in Cloverdale or Abbotsford.

Coastal Camp-Along (Camp Olave in Sechelt)

Campers may enjoy access to popular camp amenities like archery, swimming, boating, nature walks/hikes including through the enchanted forest and nature house, the fitness circuit, and more. Campers at the Guide/Pathfinder/Ranger camp will also visit a local swimming pool for a mid-week cool down and refresh. All Camp-Along camps also include art projects or crafts, science experiments, outdoor games, campfire singalongs, and/or other classic fun. Coastal Camp-Along participants/patrols will be shuttled by bus from Langdale Ferry Terminal.

Okanagan Camp-Along (Camp Arbuckle in Lake Country)

Participants will do archery, swim in the lake, go boating, play outdoor games, and enjoy mini golf. Older youth participating in the Guide/Pathfinder/Ranger camp will also go on an out-trip to the aerial course at the Myra Canyon Adventure Park and visit a local swimming pool to cool down and refresh. All Camp-Along camps also include art projects or crafts, science experiments, outdoor games, campfire singalongs, and/or other classic fun. Okanagan Camp-Along participants/patrols will be shuttled by bus from a drop-off/pick-up location in Kelowna.

Island Camp-Along (Camp Creina in Duncan)

Awesome activities include splashing around for water play in the on-site river, archery, a forest obstacle course, nature trails, mini golf, and a learning experience with local First Nations. The Guide/Pathfinder/Ranger participants will go on an out-trip to the high ropes course at WildPlay Nanaimo and visit a local swimming pool to cool down and refresh. All Camp-Along camps also include art projects or crafts, science experiments, outdoor games, campfire singalongs, and/or other classic fun. Island Camp-Along participants/patrols will be shuttled by bus from urban drop-off/pick-up locations at a Nanaimo ferry terminal or Duncan.

Northern Camp-Along (Camp Hughes in Prince George)

Opportunities may include lake swimming, boating, archery, an obstacle course, mini golf, and more. Older campers at the Guide/Pathfinder/Ranger event will go on an out-trip to the Huble Homestead Historic Site and visit a local swimming pool to cool down and refresh. All Camp-Along camps also include art projects or crafts, science experiments, outdoor games, campfire singalongs, and/or other classic fun. Northern Camp-Along participants/patrols will be shuttled by bus from an urban drop-off/pick-up location in Prince George.

Camp-Along 2025 FAQs

General Information

Why Attend?

  • You’ll feel connected to the awesome sisterhood of Guiding in your region and beyond while having summer fun along with friends.
  • You’ll focus on enjoying fantastic programming as you explore along, sing along, play along, and make memories along with fellow Girl Guides.
  • You’ll eat yummy food prepared by dedicated volunteers for you and your patrol; no meal prep required by patrols so we can maximize the number of AMAZING experiences your youth get in a jam-packed program.
  • You’ll stay in indoor (cabin or building) and/or outdoor (hut, platform tent, tent) accommodations, depending on availability and location, along with other patrols who you'll get to meet.
  • You’ll choose your nearest camp location or decide to sign up for another location to experience something new elsewhere in BC (with any travel expenses or logistics for travel between regions being the responsibility of your patrol).
  • You’ll only require basic personal gear (bedding, clothing, etc.) to participate in this experience, with other gear provided or available on-site.

When is Camp-Along?

  • Camp-Along for Sparks/Embers (and their Patrol Guiders): Saturday, July 26 to Monday, July 28, 2025
  • Camp-Along for Guides/Pathfinders/Rangers (and their Patrol Guiders): Tuesday, July 29 to Sunday, August 3, 2025
  • Camp-Along for Core Volunteers: Arrival on the evening of Friday, July 25; Departure on Sunday, August 3, 2025

Where is Camp-Along?

Simultaneous events will be held at:

  • Coastal Camp-Along: Camp Olave, Sechelt
  • Valley Camp-Along: Camp McLanlin, Abbotsford
  • Northern Camp-Along: Camp Hughes, Prince George
  • Island Camp-Along: Camp Creina, Duncan
  • Okanagan Camp-Along: Camp Arbuckle, Lake Country

How much does it cost to attend Camp-Along?

  • $150 plus GST per youth: Spark/Ember Two-Night Camp
  • $550 plus GST per youth: Guide/Pathfinder/Ranger Five-Night Camp

There is no fee for adult volunteers attending as Patrol Guiders or Core Volunteers.

What is included in / excluded from the camp fee?

The fee includes everything during camp, including catered meals by volunteers, cool participant-only swag/clothing, program supplies, activity fees, and rental of specialized equipment and infrastructure we will require to make a camp of this size/scale a success. 10% will be due by families at the time of youth registration, with patrols or individual youth welcome to fundraise 0-90% of the remaining cost through cookie selling and other fundraising opportunities. Any travel costs are the responsibility of the patrol and are not included in the fee, though events taking place at regional camps will keep those costs low for most participants.

Do youth or Guiders need camping experience?

For the comfort and safety of all participants, all youth will be required to have successfully completed at least a one-night Guiding overnight event (sleepover or camp) prior to May 2025, with more experience encouraged but not mandatory. We request two or more nights’ experience by adult volunteers. Explore local sleepovers, camps, or other skill-building events, along with your unit in 2024 and 2025, to get ready for camp!

How does programming work and do youth have to participate in every activity?

We will be offering a wide array of fun, hands-on, exciting programming during Camp-Along, to meet various interests and introduce youth to new activities. Please consult the ‘highlights’ shared for each location. A more detailed schedule/program will be shared with registered patrols closer to the start of Camp-Along.

Youth are encouraged to participate to the best of their ability and be respectful of those around them who are enjoying and/or leading an activity, in keeping with our GGC Code of Conduct. If they prefer to opt out of an activity, they may respectfully do so but will be expected to remain in the same area (e.g. as a spectator). All Guide/Pathfinder/Ranger participants must accompany their patrol on the off-site out-trip day because all Patrol Guiders will be off-site and unable to supervise youth staying behind.

Patrol Information

What is a patrol?

A “patrol” model is our approach to register youth for these experiences and ensure we have enough volunteers to supervise them during camp; generally, these volunteers are adults with whom they are already familiar (e.g. their Unit Guider or another Guider they may know from their neighbourhood). Each adult who signs up as a patrol Guider will be assigned five (Sparks/Embers) or seven (Guides/Pathfinders/Rangers) spots to distribute to youth in their units, districts, or other youth they may know. They will support those youth for any desired fundraising and accompany them to/from and during the camp event. Guiders may also sign up and indicate that they’re willing to be assigned youth, if they want to volunteer but aren't bringing youth to camp with them.

Can a child attend camp without a patrol/Guider they know?

Yes, we are offering a limited number of camper spots to BC member youth who do not have a patrol attending from their unit or whose unit patrol(s) did not have enough space to bring them in accordance with supervision rules set out by Girl Guides of Canada (1:5 for our younger youth event and 1:7 for our older youth event). Solo youth will be assigned, where space and volunteer supervision allows, to a patrol/group led by an assigned volunteer Guider for the duration of their camp event at their chosen location. Families can indicate a preference for one or more locations and we will contact those who submitted their interest as spots are available on a first come, first served basis, determined by when you joined the waitlist. To submit your interest for your Girl Guide member child to attend as a solo participant, please visit our provincial event calendar starting Wednesday, November 6 at 9 a.m. PT.

How many youth can I bring in my patrol?

Patrols are one adult and five Sparks/Embers, or one adult and seven Guides/Pathfinders/Rangers. Patrol Guiders should sign up with the intention to fill all those spots or indicate when signing up that they’re willing to accompany a patrol of “independent” youth. Any unfilled spots as of the deadline (date TBA) will also be allocated to independent youth.

How do I decide which youth can come to camp with my patrol?

That’s up to you! Guiders are strongly encouraged to advertise opportunities widely to their unit and beyond and prioritize inclusion of as many youth as possible who may not otherwise have a chance to adventure along with you. Some ideas to consider:

  • Ask families to express interest and randomly draw youth participants if interest exceeds available spots in patrol(s) led by Guider(s) from your unit
  • Ask youth to complete a short application form or chat with you during a unit meeting to select youth who are most prepared and excited for an experience like this
  • Set basic criteria, such as recent successful participation in unit overnights, and select youth who meet those criteria

Can I assign a spot in my patrol to my own child?

Guiders who are parents/caregivers or other loved ones of a youth member are encouraged to consider finding a spot for their child in another patrol to create opportunities for personal growth and independence during camp. Where possible, consider asking another ‘Guider mom’ or other adult who cares for kids you know (in your unit, district, or beyond) to trade spots with you for your respective children, or chat with another Guider with available spots they’re looking to fill. Don’t worry - you’ll still see your child around camp and share much of the experience along with each other either way!

How does our patrol travel to camp and can families drop off directly?

Patrols are responsible for travelling to/from a local shuttling location near their chosen Camp-Along site. Shuttle bus service will be provided from local hubs for participants and their personal gear (bags, bedrolls, etc.).

All patrols will be expected to participate in this transportation plan, regardless of where they are travelling from (near or far). Most of our camp locations have very limited vehicle access (e.g. narrow one-way roads or steep grades) and cannot accommodate high vehicle traffic.

It is the responsibility of patrols to get themselves to the shuttle locations by the arrival time announced in advance of camp, arranging their own logistics and incurring any related costs, and to arrange their departure transportation home after drop-off.

What are the shuttle locations/logistics for our patrol members and personal baggage?

Patrols and their bags will be picked up from, and dropped off back at, the following locations:

  • Coastal Camp-Along: Camp Olave, Sechelt - Langdale Ferry Terminal
  • Valley Camp-Along: Camp McLanlin, Abbotsford - Cloverdale OR Abbotsford (two choices)
  • Northern Camp-Along: Camp Hughes, Prince George - Prince George
  • Island Camp-Along: Camp Creina, Duncan - Nanaimo Ferry Terminal OR Duncan (two choices)
  • Okanagan Camp-Along: Camp Arbuckle, Lake Country - Kelowna

Specific timing and instructions will be communicated to registered patrols in the months leading up to Camp-Along.

Can I request to be placed with other patrols I know or to share specific campsites/cabins/huts/tents within our camp location?

Acceptance to a camp location is by patrol (5 Sparks/Embers or 7 Guides/Pathfinders/Rangers), not unit or other grouping, though units are welcome to apply to send as many patrols as they wish to one or more Camp-Along locations.

Patrol assignments at individual sites at the camp are not guaranteed and your specific accommodation will not be finalized until closer to the event dates. Our goal is to use every bed/space to its fullest and aim to serve as many members as possible to avoid turning eager campers away, which requires careful placement of people.

All members should be ready to mix with new and old friends and benefit from the sisterhood that a camp like this offer. You'll have the opportunity to see everyone at camp and share the experience together throughout your days but may or may not be 'site mates' sleeping beside them at night. Your flexibility is greatly appreciated.

Can I bring youth from several ages/branches/units?

Our events will be for Sparks/Embers or Guides/Pathfinders/Rangers. Guiders can bring any combination of youth within those age ranges, but please note that younger or older youth cannot attend an event not for their branches. You’re welcome and encouraged to invite other youth beyond your unit in the appropriate branches to come with you if you have space. All patrols are expected to be full with their own youth, or assigned independent youth placed in their patrol by the Camp-Along team.

Can I bring a larger patrol if I add a second adult/co-Guider?

Bring all your Guider BFFs along to camp with you! Each adult applies independently and will bring their own youth, but there is no limit on how many adults can come from the same unit/district, until or unless an event is full. If you want to bring many youth from your unit/district, have multiple Guiders sign up to bring patrols. Note that we cannot guarantee that patrols are assigned to the same campsites within an event, but there will be many opportunities to see each other during the event and share the experience.

Can my out-of-BC group attend?

Registration is limited to BC members at this time. Should any camp location(s) have space remaining as of a date yet to be determined, registration will open to out of province patrols. Stay tuned for any future announcements.

Financial Information

How can my patrol fundraise?

Girl Guide policy allows fundraising for up to 90% of the cost of a Guiding experience. Fundraising is optional but encouraged, so the opportunity can be accessible to all.

Of any fundraising goal, at least 25% must be fundraised through the sale of cookies. Example: $xxxx fee, $xxxx paid by parent, $200 fundraising goal chosen by the patrol or youth, $50 or more fundraised through cookie selling (25%).

To order cookies, contact your District Commissioner. Surplus cookies may be available for the spring 2024 campaign; ask your district. Patrols will be able to order their own cookies through their district for the fall 2024 and spring 2025 campaigns, with orders typically due approximately six (6) months in advance; ask your District Commissioner for more information about this process.

Other popular fundraisers may include clothing drives, bottle drives, “parents’ night out” babysitting events, hosting special events in your neighbourhood, etc. Check out our Fundraising Guidelines on Member Zone for more examples of acceptable fundraisers.

Any patrol fundraising requires the submission of a FR.1 (Fundraising Approval) form to before you begin. Download the FR.1 in MemberZone.

Are subsidies available for participants with financial need?

We strongly encourage fundraising for all Girl Guide participants. See Fundraising FAQs on Member Zone for more information about how to access those opportunities. With one and a half years between patrol Guider sign-up and the camp, we’re confident that patrols will have ample time to fundraise as they wish, to offset the costs. Consider attending your nearest camp location to home to ensure you incur low or no travel costs within your local region.

What is the payment schedule and refund policy?

An upfront deposit of 20% will be payable to secure a child’s spot and is non-refundable for any reason, including if an event were cancelled for emergency reasons beyond the control of BC Girl Guides, or if a child/family chooses to withdraw their registration. Two instalments for the remaining 80% will be due in early 2025 (dates to be announced) with connected deadlines for partial refunds. All funds must be paid in full by the appropriate deadlines or youth may have their registration cancelled without refund of prior instalment payments.

Can my patrol choose to attend any of the locations?

Yes! Patrol Guiders select their preferred location and a second choice (if desired) at the time of Patrol Guider application. While most patrols will choose to attend their nearest event for convenience and cost, patrols are welcome to choose to travel to other locations, while space remains. Travel costs and planning are the responsibility of the patrol.

Guiders and Caregivers

How can I help with Camp-Along?

Adults can come along to Camp-Along as a Patrol Guider and bring a group of youth. For more information on patrols, please see the other patrol-related questions on this FAQs page.

While Patrol Guiders are our primary need and where most Guiders will be accepted, we will require a small team of Core Volunteers for responsibilities in different areas, including Program, Food, Health/Wellness, and Responsible Guider(s) to oversee the events.

I’m a parent - can I accompany my child to Camp-Along?

Only registered members of Girl Guides of Canada may attend Camp-Along. The event is unable to accommodate ‘parent guests’ to accompany their own youth. However, parents are invited to become Unit Guiders this year in order to gain volunteer experience and be prepared to attend Camp-Along as a Patrol Guider. Note that Unit Assistants/Non-Member Volunteers are not eligible to apply to attend Camp-Along until they complete their screening process and become a full Guider/Adult Member of Girl Guides of Canada. Please contact to begin this membership process; your prior Police Record Check remains valid and transferable, but additional screening steps (e.g. a short screening interview, reference checks, and basic online training) are required for those applying to become a Guider from a Non-Member Volunteer status.

Can a Support Person attend to assist a youth member with a disability?

Youth who require 1:1 support may be accompanied by a Support Person who meets the screening criteria set out by GGC. A Support Person should not fill out the application form to become a Patrol Guider as they will be directly assisting one individual; please email us at about the child’s needs so we can discuss next steps.

More from GGC about the role of a Support Person:
“A support person is an individual hired or chosen to accompany a person with a disability to provide service or assistance with communication, mobility, personal care, medical needs or to access services. Personal care needs may include assistance with eating or using the washroom. Medical needs might include ensuring medication is taken on time, monitoring someone's health conditions, and providing injections.”

How will participants with sensory or noise related needs be supported in the camp environment?

We are mindful of the reality that Girl Guide camp can be a high-energy, loud, exciting place, which has its benefits and challenges. Campers should be aware that they will be camping in close quarters for two or five nights (depending on age) with other youth, participating in activities by day with new people, and being exposed to music, games, and other hectic activities.

We encourage participants of any age to be aware of their own needs and advocate for themselves or with the help of their Patrol Guider. Bringing noise-cancelling headphones (e.g. over-ear earmuff headphones) may be an appropriate option for those who struggle with loud noise. We will have some designated quiet space at each camp location for participants/volunteers who need somewhere to visit during the day for a short break. Note that cell phones and other networked devices may not be brought to camp. See our cell phone FAQs, below, for more info.

What is the policy on cell phone and device use by youth?

Cell phones and other networked devices may not be brought to camp by any youth, regardless of age or usual expectations of their home unit at regular camps/events; this is a universal policy for all youth.

We have limited charging capability at most locations, cell phone service is limited if at all available depending on location, and having constant 24/7 access to home contributes to feelings of homesickness, affects group dynamics, and creates challenges in having youth be fully present and engaged in the camp experience. Youth who bring devices of this type to camp despite this policy will have them removed and stored by the organizing team for the duration of the event, and Patrol Guiders will be expected to enforce this expectation during the event. However, BC Girl Guides is not responsible for loss/damage/theft. Youth who wish to bring music players for use during down time may do so if they are not networked devices capable of cell/internet connectivity.

What is the policy on cell phone and device use by adults?

We have limited charging capability at most locations, cell phone service is limited if at all available depending on location, and we would like to lead by example, as we are asking youth to leave theirs at home.

Adults should limit their phone use by treating their phone as a tool instead of a source of entertainment, such as taking a photo, making an urgent call related to camp, etc., but avoiding prolonged use in the presence of youth. Any adults bringing a phone to camp should be prepared to bring their own battery pack or solar charger if reliable charge is desired, as we cannot guarantee access to on-site charging for so many devices.

Once I’ve applied and/or been accepted as a Patrol Guider, can I change my location?

Your space must be secured at your chosen location prior to information provided being sent to caregivers and youth begin registering.

Location changes are not possible once youth begin formally registering in your patrol, as we have limited capacity by site and need to plan appropriately. Before that time, you can email to make these requests; note that changes are not guaranteed as patrol space is running out at some locations.

Can our patrol Guider park a car at camp while staying on-site?

There will be no parking available for patrols on-site due to limited parking capacity and all participants will be shuttled into the event. We will recommend parking options near/at the shuttling locations at a later date, for those who need to keep a vehicle parked locally for the duration of Camp-Along.

Can I volunteer as a Core Volunteer if I don’t live in BC?

Yes, please apply. You must be a current member of Girl Guides of Canada in good standing and meet the general criteria for volunteers. We will confirm your status with your provincial council.

2/17/2025 11:52:25 AM