Gather 2024 BC Guider Team Application Form

**Please be advised that this application form inadvertently closed a couple of hours earlier than scheduled. If this impacted your submission, you can contact for options to forward your application**.

Information for BC Guider Team applicants

BC Council has been invited to send one selected patrol of two (2) Guiders and eight (8) youth to attend GATHER 2024 as an independent trip. GATHER is a Saskatchewan Provincial camp from July 11 - 17, 2024. This trip is open to Pathfinders and Rangers. We are accepting applications for Patrol Guider Teams interested in taking their patrol on this independent opportunity.

In addition to the actual cost to attend GATHER (Girl registration fee: $800 plus HST and Guider registration fee: $700 plus HST), you will be responsible for paying for travel to and from Saskatchewan, as well as meals en-route. Once the patrol has been established, a full budget will be created, and each participant will be responsible for payment. There will be additional personal costs that all participants will be responsible for, such as spending money and kit list requirements. Fundraising, once this trip unit is established, is encouraged.

Additional information for selected Guiders: This trip is an Independent Travel Opportunity, and as such, you will be responsible for collecting and submitting all Safe Guide Paperwork, as relevant. You will be responsible for communication with the youth and their families throughout the planning of this trip. A BC Trip Assessor will work with you to assist you, as needed, throughout this process. You will also be the contact person with whom the GATHER coordinator(s) will communicate. A separate Unified Bank Account will be created for this trip, funds will be deposited, and expenses taken from that account.

Completing and submitting this application form indicates that you have reviewed the GATHER information and agree to the above information.

7/27/2024 10:37:42 AM