The BC Awards Committee is a Provincial Committee that falls under the BC Membership Committee.
We oversee:
- Adult Awards (
- Book of Honour (
- BC Leadership Spirit Awards for girls
- BC Scholarships and Bursaries (
The following recognitions do not require nomination forms or letters of support:
Formal Awards
To nominate recipients, visit the GGC Online Application Portal.
- BC Award: Guider affecting the nature of BC Guiding
- BC Guider Appreciation Pin: Guider with measurable service beyond expectation
- Beaver: National Award
- Commissioner Award: Commissioner who leads by example
- Fortitude: National Award
- Gold Thanks Pin: Any Guiding member
- Maple Leaf Award: National Award
- Honorary Life Award: National Award
- Medal of Merit: Guider for exceptional service
- Merit Award (Bronze/Silver/Gold): Awarded in order to Guider
- Team Award: Exceptional teamwork for project or event
- Unit Guider Award (Bronze/Silver/Gold): Unit Guider helping girls attain greatness
- Valour Award: National Award
Book of Honour
The Book of Honour was created by Girl Guides of Canada -Guides du Canada, BC Council to recognize outstanding BC Guiders and girls who exemplify the spirit of Guiding. Funds collected for Book of Honour recipients are used to support the BC Council Bursary of Honour. The Book of Honour is displayed at BC Guide House in North Vancouver.
For more information, please visit the Book of Honour page.
BC Leadership Spirit Award
The BC Leadership Spirit award is presented to girls in any branch who are outstanding youth members.
BC Scholarships and Bursaries
Applications for BC Scholarships and Bursaries are posted in February for both graduating youth and adult members pursuing post-secondary education and/or training.
For a full description of all Scholarships and Bursaries, visit the BC Scholarships page.
To apply, visit the GGC Online Application Portal
Membership Pins
Awarded annually to all Guiding members recognizing years of membership in Girl Guides of Canada. Pins are available for years one to 15, then in five-year increments (20 - 45). Membership Pins are available at The Girl Guides on-line store.
Over 50 years are being recognized by National.