Girl Awards

Guides, Pathfinders, and Rangers can choose to complete additional program activities to earn awards. More information about these awards and their requirements is available on the program platform.

Lady Baden-Powell Award (Guides)

Lady Baden-Powell

Guides (ages 9-11) may choose to work towards the Lady Baden-Powell (LBP) Award. This award gives participants a chance to learn more about Girl Guides and build deeper relationships with their Guiding sisters. It is the highest form of recognition available to Guides.

Canada Cord (Pathfinders)

Canada Cord

Pathfinders (ages 12-14) may choose to work towards the Canada Cord. This is the highest award that a Pathfinder can achieve. It encourages them to meet new people, learn more about themselves and their abilities, and put their leadership skills into action. To earn this award, Pathfinders must complete all 8 program areas, the Citizenship Certificate, and the Community Service Award, as well as planning a camp or event, bridging with other units, and learning about first aid.

As of September 2019, BC Canada Cord recipients can get four (4) credits for Grade 11. More information about these credits is provided on the BC Ministry of Education website.

Trailblazer Leadership Award (Rangers)

Rangers (ages 15-17) may choose to complete one or more levels of the Trailblazer Leadership Award: Bronze, Silver, and Gold. The Gold Trailblazer Leadership Award is the highest award that a Ranger can achieve. It encourages participants to meet new people, learn more about themselves and their abilities, and put their leadership skills into action. To earn this award, Rangers must complete all 8 program areas, the Cookie Campaign Challenge, and the Service Project Award.

As of September 2019, BC Gold Trailblazer recipients can get four (4) credits for Grade 12. More information about these credits is provided on the BC Ministry of Education website.

BC Leadership Spirit Award


The BC Leadership Spirit Award was created to recognize outstanding girl and youth members of any age who contribute significantly to Girl Guides of Canada and in their communities. The symbol of the Kermode Bear was chosen as it is often referred to as the spirit bear, a unique species found only in British Columbia and is the official animal of our province. Girl and youth members who achieve this award have proven to be exceptional amongst their peers whether they are Sparks, Embers, Guides, Pathfinders, or Rangers (includes bridging members). This award is available once at each level of Guiding.


A girl/youth members or a Guider may nominate a girl and youth member, but cannot be a relative of the member, and two supporting nomination letters with specific examples is required.


Applications are submitted to the GGC Awards Portal.


  • Must be a registered girl or youth members of Girl Guides of Canada.
  • Lives by the ideals of the Promise and Law.
  • Is well respected by peers, Guiders, and other members in the community.
  • In Guiding and their community:
    • Goes beyond the required service in the program to help others
    • Actively promotes Girl Guides and its benefits
    • Displays exceptional leadership qualities inspiring others to take on a leadership role
    • Has made significant contributions to make a positive impact
    • Enthusiastically shares their personal talents and skills
    • Is a positive role-model


Please complete the online application through the GGC Awards Portal and upload two letters of support. .

If you have any questions, please contact

External Awards

Commonwealth Award: Pathfinders and Rangers can also choose to complete this WAGGGS award, available to Guiding members from all Commonwealth countries. It provides an opportunity to discover more about the Commonwealth through a variety of activities.

Duke of Edinburgh Awards (Gold, Silver, Bronze)

Duke of Edinburgh Awards (Gold, Silver, Bronze): This is a personal challenge program for youth 14+ years. Requirements completed for the Duke of Edinburgh award may count toward Guiding program and be applied to the Canada Cord (Pathfinders) and Trailblazer Leadership (Ranger) awards. In addition, Trex, Bridging Members, and Adults can complete many award requirements, including community service and adventurous journeys, through their Guiding activities.

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