Manitoba Volunteer Opportunities

Manitoba Council is accepting applications for the positions listed below. If you are interested in applying for one or more of these positions, please complete the Volunteer Position Application Form.

If you would like more information or have questions about a position, please reach out to DPC Allison at

Current MB Council Opportunities

International Adviser

The International Adviser supports girls and Guiders with travel opportunities in Manitoba. This position works alongside units preparing to travel and helps them navigate the steps required to plan and execute successful international and interprovincial trips and events.

Link Liaison

Staying connected with our Link Members is an important role in MB Guiding. The Link Liaison provides support to Link members, and opportunities to stay connected to Guiding through communications, activities and events.


Are you a guider who would like to learn more about Manitoba Guiding? Do you want to play a role in provincial planning and decision making? Interested in taking on short-term projects that enrich MB Guiding such as helping with events, scholarships or awards? Members bring perspectives and opinions of the girls and guiders to council. Join MB council to share your ideas and be part of the team making Manitoba Guiding the best it can be!

Membership Adviser

The role of the Membership Adviser is to help grow Guiding membership in Manitoba. The ideal candidate has enthusiasm for recruiting new members to GGC and supporting activities related to growth, registration and retention of girl and adult members in the province.

Training Adviser

The Training Adviser educates, empowers, and provides support to all our province’s trainers so that they in turn can confidently provide quality learning opportunities to our Guiders. The Training Adviser will provide not only focus on the national training modules but also to design training sessions to meet Manitoba Guiders’ specific needs.

Trefoil Guild Liaison

Keeping our Trefoil Shining! The Trefoil Guild Liaison is an important communication link between the various Guilds within the Province and the National Trefoil Guild, and assists in organizing Guild events. Help ensure the spirit of Guiding remains strong and vibrant!

Upcoming MB Council Opportunities

Restricted Fund Manager*

This position, yet to officially be named*, will be responsible for administrating the two new restricted funds on behalf of Manitoba Council, as well as building and maintaining relationship with the United Way liaison and completing funding application and reporting requirements. The fund administrator is a non-voting position.

MB Reset Positions

Manitoba is accepting applications for the new positions of Co-District Commissioner, District Treasurer and District Secretary for each of the new zones as part of the Manitoba Reset Plan. All are welcome to apply.

Camping Adviser

This position will begin in November 2024.

The role of the Camping Adviser is to promote camping opportunities and give support and mentoring to Guiders when needed. She must have good communication skills, be approachable and enthusiastic to share skills and knowledge about camping with both girls and adult members and must have a love for the outdoors.

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