10 Easy Steps to Plan an Independent Trip

This document is for Guiders wishing to plan an independent international or interprovincial trip for members wanting to travel abroad as members of Guiding. Providing girls with the opportunity to travel is a rewarding and exciting adventure; and an experience everyone will remember for the rest of their lives. Thank you for taking the time and energy to enhance our girls' Guiding experience through travel.

Planning for International Trips

Step 1: Goals and Prep – Getting Started

Before you start planning, you need to be familiar with the processes associated with planning an independent trip. Here’s what you need to read to prepare:

These documents will give you some of the basics that you need to plan the trip from a risk management and financial perspective. After you’ve reviewed them, it’s time to talk to the girls in the unit about what they want to get out of their independent trip. Get them involved by reviewing Safe Guide, activity guides, and applicable governance policies with them. Take note of the timing for paperwork as noted on the IT.1 (International Group Trip Planning Timeline). Consider these questions:

  • Where do you want to go?
  • Why are you going?
  • Who is going?
  • When should you go?

Remember to involve parents/guardians in this process as well.

Step 2: Submit the SG.8 package and Code of Financial Accountability

Once you and your girls have decided some of the key details about the trip, it is time to work on the SG.8 package. The package should be submitted to safeguide@girlguides.ca. Also copied into the email should be the Provincial Commissioner and your Area Commissioner.

  • SG.8A - Travel Preauthorization
  • SG.1 - Activity Plan (as provided to caregivers) *
  • IT.1 - International Trip Planning Timeline
  • IT.4 - International Group Trip – Guider Application (for each Guider attending trip, including an Alternate)
  • IT.11 - International Group Trip – List of Participants (as known at the time of submission)
  • Trip Budget Template - Proposed Budget (Excel)

Once the package is approved by the Safe Guide Assessor, it will be sent by the Provincial Travel coordinator/Advisor and to National GGC (Girl Guides of Canada) Trips. You will receive an official acknowledgment of your SG.8 package once all the required documents have been submitted.

*In addition to providing caregivers with the SG.1, you must also have them sign the SG.2 Parent/Guardian Permission for Non-Regular Unit Activities to indicate that they understand the commitment associated with their girl’s participation in the trip.

Approval of the SG8 package must be obtained by the Responsible Guider before progressing to the next stage.

Step 3: Trip Finances

After your trip’s SG.8 package has been approved you will receive a communication that identifies the trip unit’s name (which is determined by its destination) that should be used on all future communications associated with the trip. You will be directed to complete a Unified Banking Authorization Form to identify who will be your trip unit’s Treasurer and P-Card Holder. A separate form for each position is needed. The Treasurer does not have to be one of the Guiders planning to travel with the trip, however, the P-card Holder does need to be. A separate account from your program unit’s account is necessary to segregate the financial transactions associated with a trip from those of a typical unit’s finances. The budget template that was submitted with the trip’s SG.8 package must continue to be utilized throughout the trip’s lifespan to accurately record all of the revenues and expenses transacted through the unit’s account.

Step 4: Detailed Planning and Fundraising

Once the SG.8A has been approved and the bank account opened, the trip can begin more detailed planning and fundraising initiatives. Fundraising cannot begin until the trip has been approved and the bank account has been activated (by identifying a Treasurer). Fundraising for a trip must be initiated by the trip and cannot be deposited to a program unit account and transferred after the trip unit account has been opened.

Here are some items to take into consideration as you enter this phase:

Detailed planning

  • Though it is not compulsory at this stage, it is highly recommended for international trips that you have participants sign the IT.7 - (Guarantee of Financial Responsibility for International Group Trips) to demonstrate that they understand the financial commitment associated with the trip. A copy of the IT.7 that is distributed to participants of an international trip is required for the One Year Check in (further details in Step 5).
  • If at any time there is a change of the trip participants (addition or withdrawal), a revised IT.11 must be submitted to nb-pc@girlguides.ca in order to ensure the roster remains accurate in iMIS.
  • If at any time during planning, the number of girl participants decreases such that the ratio of Guiders to girls falls to 1:3, the Responsible Guider must provide details about the trip and rationale for maintaining a lower ratio to the Travel Support Coordinator. In consultation with the Provincial Commissioner (or her designate) the coordinator will work with the group to determine whether the trip can proceed based on the size of the group and the circumstances. Refer to the Government of Canada’s Travel Advisory website regularly to see if any travel advisories have been issued for your intended destination(s). Refer to Safe Guide for information on how each level of advisory should be handled. If any travel advisories of concern are issued, contact NB/PEI Provincial Commissioner nb-pc@girlguides.ca for assistance. Alternative plans may have to be made to the destinations on a trip’s itinerary. This can occur at any time during the planning process or while travelling.
  • Travel for all participants must be booked together as one group reservation. No one is permitted to use travel incentives or points from a rewards program.
  • If there are any agreements/contracts associated with your travel bookings that require an organizational signature, the document must be submitted via the Contract Submission form. Please note that it can take up to two weeks to process the request.


    The preferred method of fundraising is via cookie sales. Trip units order cookies to sell separately from a regular program unit’s order. The profit tier is $25 and dependent on the number of cases ordered/participant rostered to the unit. 25% of all fundraising undertaken by a trip unit must be derived from cookie profits.

    All fundraising outside of cookie sales is subject to approval. If your trip unit wishes to engage in additional fundraising, a FR.1 (Application for Fundraising Approval) must be submitted. The submitted FR1 is sent to the Provincial Commissioner nb-pc@girlguides.ca and your Area Commissioner, Once the assessed form is approved the outcome of the FR1 application will be forwarded to the trip unit’s RG (Responsible Guider). Approved FR.1 activities are valid for a maximum of six months. If the unit intends to continue with an activity beyond the approval period, a new FR.1 is required. This should be submitted at least two weeks before the previous approval expires. 

Step 5: One Year Check-in

One year from your trip’s scheduled departure date, Safe Guide requires your trip to submit an updated set of documents. The purpose of this is to ensure that your trip’s planning is on track and to identify any concerns that may have arisen. The required documents are:

  • Updated IT.1 - International Trip Planning Timeline
  • Updated IT.4 - International Group Trip – Guider Application (for additional Guiders who have joined the trip following the SG.8 approval)
  • Updated IT.11 - International Group Trip – List of Participants
  • Copy of IT.7 - Guarantee of Financial Responsibility for International Group Trips
  • Updated Itinerary
  • Updated Budget Template

Once the package has been received in full by nb-pc@girlguides.ca, it will be forwarded to your International Safe Guide Assessor for review. The Assessor will work with you to acknowledge the submission. You will receive an official acknowledgement of the successful completion of your One Year Check-in via an email from the office.

Step 6: Submit the IT.3 package

Six months prior to your trip’s departure, Safe Guide requires your trip to submit an updated set of documents. The completion of this step results in the IT.3 acknowledgement for your trip to proceed. The documents required in this package are:

  • IT.3 - International Group Trip Authorization
  • Updated IT.4 - International Group Trip – Guider Application (for additional Guiders who have joined the trip following the SG.8 approval)
  • Updated IT.11 - International Group Trip – List of Participants
  • SG.4 - Emergency Response Plan (for each destination of the trip’s itinerary)
  • Finalized Itinerary Independent Trip Itinerary Template
  • Finalized Budget
  • If relevant:
    • WA.1 - Water Activity Plan
    • SG.5 - Release of Liability, Waiver of Claims, Assumption of Risk and Indemnity Agreement
    • SG.6 - Adventure Camping/Tripping Plan
    • SG.7 - TPSP Interview Checklist

Once the package has been received in full, it will be sent to your International Assessor for review. Once she has completed her assessment and signed the IT.3 and IT.4s the package will be forwarded to the Travel Support Coordinator for signature. This process can take up to six weeks. You will receive an official acknowledgement of your IT.3 package via an email from the office.

Step 7: Final Approval

This step is only applicable to international trips. Two months before your departure date, Safe Guide requires your trip to submit an updated set of documents that reflect any changes that have occurred since the IT.3 approval was granted. The following documents are submitted if there have been any changes made to them:

Once the package has been received in full, it will be sent to the International Adviser for review. You will receive an official approval of your final package via the office. The IT.3, IT.11 and SG.4s that have been approved will be shared by the office with the National office to notify them of your upcoming trip.

After you have received final approval, please ensure that you register with the Government of Canada's 'Canadians Abroad' program. Canadians Abroad is a free service that allows the Government of Canada to notify you in case of an emergency abroad or a personal emergency at home. This service also enables you to receive important information before or during a natural disaster or civil unrest.

Step 8: Travel

Go on the trip, have a fantastic time!

Step 9: Post-Trip

Within 30 days of your trip’s return date, ensure you have a debrief meeting and finalize any expenses associated with the trip. This can include a participant dinner and the creation of memory books you may wish to have done. These are items that should be budgeted for and should have the expenses included when you submit your financials.

Step 10: Financial Reconciliation

In accordance with Safe Guide, you are required to submit the financials associated with your trip within 30 days of the last day of your trip. The items included in this package are:

  • Finalized Trip Budget template
  • Ensure all expenses/revenues have been verified in unit banking
  • Details about your contingency fund – what each participant contributed, notes about distribution if you needed to use it
  • Online Year-end Reconciliation (Checklist)
  • Final Trip Report for Trips - contact International Adviser

Once the package has been received in full, staff will reconcile your account. They will contact you within 60 days to provide you with the results and discuss how the balance of funds in the unit account will be handled.

Planning for Interprovincial Trips

Tips for interprovincial travel are coming soon!

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