
The Financial Department maintains a key role in the functioning of Girl Guides of Canada–Guides du Canada, Newfoundland and Labrador Council by promoting and/or establishing the operations of the organization. The purpose of the Financial Department is to maintain accurate and reliable financial information on a timely basis and to ensure an annual financial report is prepared, audited and forwarded to the appropriate persons within the organization.

GGC NL Council New Unit Start Up Fund

A new unit registered in Newfoundland and Labrador Council is eligible to receive up to a maximum of $100 to assist with new unit start-up expenses.

NL Unit Meeting Space Rental Assistance Guidelines

A unit registered in Newfoundland and Labrador Council is eligible to receive up to $500 to assist with the rental fees for a meeting space.

Provincial Travel Claim

Reimbursement is provided for authorized expenses that are personally incurred in the conduct of provincial business for the Girl Guides of Canada-Guides du Canada NL Council. (e.g., provincial Trainers, provincial council members travelling to meetings, etc.). All travel expense claims must be approved by the department head or Treasurer.

  • Provincial Travel Claim -  |


From time to time, members may wish to do additional fundraising above and beyond Cookie sales to support special activities, events or projects. 

Application for Fundraising Approval (FR.1)  

The FR.1 is used to request approval for any fundraising above and beyond the sale of Girl Guide cookies by your unit, district or area.  The completed FR.1 should be submitted to for approval.  You can only proceed with fundraising activities after your FR.1 has been approved.

Fundraising cookies

Independent travel units and/or provincially sponsored trip participants fundraising for trips involving commercial transportation must sell 2 cases of cookies per member per campaign. Any additional fundraising by cookie sales may be eligible for a special sharing arrangement.  For more information, please contact

GGC Fundraising Policy and Guidelines 

All members (adults and girls) and units must follow all GGC policies and guidelines for fundraising including: 

  • Fundraising Procedures and Guidelines 
  • Fundraising FAQs 
  • Fundraising Policy (Governance Manual) 

For full details, please visit Member Zone's Fundraising page (requires login). 

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