Volunteer Opportunities

As we continue to build our NL Guiding Leadership Team across the province, we need committed and dedicated women with a variety of skills and abilities; WE NEED YOU!

We need you at all levels, including Provincial Council, to engage more girls with all that Girl Guides of Canada has to offer.

The following positions are either currently vacant, or terms will be completed in a few months. If you have the time and skills for one of these positions, please connect with our NL Nominations Team at nl-nominations@girlguides.ca.

In today’s world, with many forms of digital and virtual communication available to us, these positions are better managed by, and are more appealing to, busy women. Give these positions some thought, talk to us, and let’s see our organization grow. Also, if you know of someone who might be a good fit for one of these positions, let us know and we will be happy to reach out. Check out the position descriptions for the provincial positions looking to be filled.

If you have questions about any of the positions listed below, please contact our NL Nominations team at nl-nominations@girlguides.ca

Provincial Council Positions

Provincial Advisers

Join a Provincial Committee

We are also accepting applications for members to join the committees listed below. Joining one of these teams is a great way to find out more about how we do what we do, and to prepare yourself to take on a leadership role in future! Click on the committee title to view the position description.

Program Committee

The committee works as a provincial team in direct collaboration with the Provincial Program Adviser to fulfill the committee's purpose.

Purpose: To support and promote all learning and engagement activities relating to branch specific programming activities for girls.

Term: Three years

For more information, please contact Keisha at nl-program@girlguides.ca.

PR/Communications Committee

The committee works as a provincial team in direct collaboration with the Provincial Public Relations and Communications Adviser to fulfill the committee's purpose.

Purpose: To strategize, create, promote, and coordinate positive internal and external communications to inform Members, families, and the community about Guiding – provincially, nationally and globally.

Term: Three years

For more information, please contact Ashley at nl-prcomm@girlguides.ca.

Training Committee

The committee works as a provincial team in direct collaboration with the Provincial Training Adviser to fulfill the committee's purpose.

Purpose: To advise on, support, promote, coordinate, and ensure delivery of training for adult Members and to coordinate learning and developmental opportunities for trainers.

Term: Three years

For more information, please contact Tricia at nl-training@girlguides.ca.

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