Adult Awards

Do it today - award a Member!

Our adult members are the cornerstone of Girl Guides of Canada. Recognizing our Adult Members for a job well done is a key component of valuing their efforts. Formal awards can be granted throughout the year and are an excellent opportunity to publicly recognize the Member’s contribution to Guiding. Informal recognition in the way of a simple thank you or kind word of appreciation should be ongoing. Read more about the types of awards and recognition possible as well as the steps for nominating a member.

Types of Awards and Recognition

Girl Guides of Canada-Guides du Canada believes it is important that all Guiders are acknowledged for their support of Guiding and the role they play in helping girls be everything they want to be.

Download the Québec Awards Booklet or ask the provincial office for a printed copy.

Québec Award

The Québec Award is given for distinctive contributions to Guiding in Québec. The Member must be a registered adult Member in good standing with GGC and must hold the Gold Merit award or equivalent.

Québec Provincial Commissioner’s Award

The Québec Provincial Commissioner’s Award is given to recognize a Guider who has undertaken to plan and execute a special event on behalf of GGC-Québec Council. The Québec Guider must be an active registered Member in good standing. The Guider must Chair or Co-chair a provincial event for girls and Guiders. The provincial commissioner determines who will receive this award. A letter of support from the provincial commissioner will be given to the Guider at the time of presentation.

Provincial Letter of Congratulations

The Provincial Letter of Congratulations can be requested from the provincial office when a situation arises which is not covered by any other form of recognition. A request for a Provincial Letter of Congratulations from the provincial commissioner requires approval from the Awards Team.

For information on the following awards and recognition, consult the Adult Member Support Procedures - Module 6 - Awards and Recognition

Membership Pins Letters of Commendation 
Commissioner Award Pin Merit Awards
New Unit Guider Appreciation Pin Medal of Merit
Unit Guider Award Team Award
Certificate of Appreciation Gold Thanks Pin
Silver Thanks Pin  


National Awards:  
Beaver Award Gold Maple Leaf 
Honourary Life Award  Fortitude Award 
Valour Award  

Nominate a member today.

You can also read more about Awards in section 5.0 of Guiding Essentials.

Questions? Contact the Awards Team:

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