Transitioning Members (TMBRs)

TMBRs: Transitioning Members

What makes a girl continue with Guiding as an adult?

Becoming a leader once I turned 18 was not a difficult decision for me. I remember always looking up to a lot of the leaders and junior leaders that ran my units, especially when I as younger. They were the ones that always had the most amazing games and crafts, and came up with the craziest themes for camps. I wanted to become that for the new girls. I wanted to be able to take my experience as a girl member, and all the fun things I remember doing and share it with the younger members
Being a leader has given me a chance to apply the skills I already had learned in real situations, as well as gain new ones. Not to mention, there's those little secret perks to being a leader, like hidden snacks for after bed time at camps. ;)

The most amazing part about it all is just getting to see how much fun the girls have, no matter what the activity, and being able to be a part in making their Guiding memories.

- Laura Jackson, Guider 

I became a young adult Guider for several reasons. The first was that Guiding has always been such a huge part of my life. I had trouble imagining my life without it. The second reason was I had worked at Girl Guide summer camp for two years and I knew I really enjoyed working with girls.

Even though I'm really busy with university, I always have time for Guiding. It is a great weekly break from school, where I get to make friendships with girls and women from the new city and province I have moved to. If I ever need to step back so I can focus on exams or a big project, my co-Guiders are very understanding.

Although I occasionally feel inexperienced, I am enjoying learning new tricks and sharing my own ideas. My biggest advice to young adult Guiders is that Guiding has a spot just for you. It may not be the first spot you try, but it is there. I've had a wonderful three years so far of giving back to an organization that is still shaping who I am today.

- Kaitlin "Sundew" Winter, Guider with the 33rd Montreal Pathfinder Unit 

Hello! My name is Chelsea and I have been in Guiding for 13 years. I just became a leader of a Guide unit and I hope to give my girls the many fantastic opportunities I had as a Guide. I had the privilege to go to GM 2010 where I had a blast.

I am in the psychology program in college and I have a busy schedule but Guides is important to me because it is a place where I can de-stress from school. Guiding is a place I have made lifelong friends and a place where I can be me without being judged. In addition, Guiding is like a second family to me and a place I can make a difference.

We are a movement that spans the globe and I believe we can change the world for the better. I feel it important to motivate my girls to get a sense of who they are and empower them to feel like they can do anything they put their minds to.

The main reason I became a leader is because Guiding is a part of who I am and I strongly believe in our worldwide movement.

- Chelsea Oki-Gillan, Guider with the 1st Cedar Park Guide Unit

2/17/2025 8:25:52 AM