First Aid Training

Upon completion of a certified First Aid course given by a nationally recognized agency such as (but not limited to) St. John Ambulance, and the Red Cross, GGC-Québec Council will reimburse two-thirds of the cost of the training (for an active Unit Guider). Speak with your DC about holding a training session in your district.

First Aid and Safe Guide Reminders

  • All First Aid qualifications must be entered into iMIS before your Safe Guide Activity!
  • Health care professionals wishing to act as a ‘First Aider’ must be licensed and insured in the province/territory where the activity is taking place.
  • First Aid kits:
    • A First Aid kit appropriate for the activity and environment must be on-hand for all activities, including regular Unit meetings. It should be identified using the Universal Sign of First Aid (see below). 
    • Remember, it is to contain NO medications, either prescription or over-the-counter, and NO sunscreen or bug repellent. These are to be provided by caregivers for Unit meetings and other activities, events or camps, along with a completed and signed H.3 form (Medication Plan and Administration Record)
  • The Universal Sign of First Aid: A red cross on a white background is a trademark of the Red Cross Organization and is protected by copyright, not unlike our Girl Guide Trefoil. Therefore a red cross should not be placed on a container to denote that it holds First Aid supplies. Instead, the Universal Sign of First Aid should be used. This sign is a white cross on a green background and should be used to designate a First Aid station, First Aid kit, or other First Aid-related item.

First aid courses offered by Au Secours Denise OBriain tailored to the needs of GGC

Standard First Aid & CPR/AED Level C Course - BLENDED LEARNING format 

  • Complete the first half of the course online at home, at your own pace, prior to the course date
  • Then participate in the ONE DAY hands-on teaching/skills-practice in-class session
  • Equivalent to the previous 16-hour in-class teaching and practice format
  • Access to the new Canadian Red Cross online portal and useful online resources
  • NEW Canadian Red Cross First Aid & CPR Manual – 2017 edition
  • Digital Certification upon completion valid for 3 years

If you or your District would like to hold a course at your own time and location, please contact Tricia Lax at

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