Trefoil Guilds

Trefoil Guild's are an adult only group for GGC members over 30. 

Most guild members have been members of Guiding for many years and join the Trefoil Guild to keep in touch with the organization and each other. Guilds are also open to new members who are looking to meet and connect with other women in their community.


Keeping the Spirit Alive!

There is no specific Trefoil Guild program. Each Guild decides how formally or casually it will operate. Guilds meet when and as often as they wish, and Guild activities are as varied as the Guilds themselves. Activities may include:

  • Visiting places of interest in their communities (e.g. museums, historical buildings, parks)
  • Attending the theatre and concerts
  • Engaging in physical activities
  • Contributing to Guiding and community through service projects
  • Participating in local, provincial and national Guiding activities and events

How to become a Trefoil Guild member:

There are currently four active guilds in Quebec:

  • Northshore Guild - – this guild will meet at various proposed locations throughout the year. Different hosts and different meeting places – a Travelling Trefoil Guild
  • Southshore Hummingbirds Trefoil Guild
  • Waters Edge Trefoil Guild
  • West Island Cabana Trefoil Guild

To join Trefoil Guild, reach out to our Provincial Trefoil Liaison at .

Trefoil Guild members in Quebec pay the annual Girl Guide membership fee unless they are active Unit Guiders.

Freedom 75: Members 75 years and older do not pay the national membership fee. To qualify, members simply have to ensure their birthdate is recorded in our membership database, iMIS.

Internet Trefoil Guild: Trefoil Guild members have the option of joining the 1st Canadian Internet Trefoil Guild if they are interested in connecting with other Guild members online. Contact for more information.


The Trefoil Guild has no official uniform, and members are welcome to wear the adult uniform. Members may opt to wear the Trefoil Guild pin. Purple is the identifying colour for Trefoil Guilds in Canada.

Have fun while keeping the Guiding spirit alive!

7/27/2024 12:47:43 AM