

Provincial Camping Adviser:

Saskatchewan Council, Girl Guides of Canada - Guides du Canada currently maintains one Provincial camp. It is a northern wilderness campsite on Heritage Lake

Outdoor activities, especially camping, are the highlight of Guiding for most girls. After all, Robert Baden-Powell, the founder of our organization, said Guiding is "a jolly game, played largely out-of-doors." The outdoors is the perfect setting to introduce and put into practice the Mission and Principles of Girl Guides of Canada - Guides du Canada.

All girls benefit from the opportunity to interact exclusively with other females. Camp provides them with a protected environment where they can learn to become more self-reliant - whether it be learning to take care of their own belongings, to use a compass, to start and build a fire; or for the older girls, discussing social and female concerns away from peer pressure.

The experience of a camp environment provides an ideal place for learning co-operation, enjoying the "sisterhood" of Guiding, and participating in an active lifestyle. It is also where girls can learn to make personal decisions and develop their independence. Camping offers girls of all ages a chance to exercise the skills they have been learning and practicing all year at their unit meetings. Whether in a back yard, on a farm's 'Back 40', at a regional or provincial park, or at our own Provincial Girl Guide campsite, camping is an integral part of Guiding. The smell of wood smoke, sitting around a glowing campfire, the tune of a favorite song, the sound of soft rain on the tent, the buzzing of mosquitoes, the laughter of girls and adults together in fun and fellowship are all memories that last a lifetime!

Safe Guide Assessment submissions - send to the Provincial Office. Reminder: use current forms from the National website.

Visit the Camps page.

2/17/2025 8:34:32 AM