Trefoil Guild

Trefoil Guild is an activity option for adults in Guiding. Membership is open to women over the age of 30 who have been enrolled in Girl Guides of Canada previously and who remain as adult members of Girl Guides of Canada. Members may be active in other aspects of Guiding such as youth unit leaders or administrative leaders. Non-members can become members of a Trefoil Guild by meeting all the requirements of an adult member and registering with one of the Trefoil Guilds in the province. Requirements include completing a screening process, providing a current Police Record Check (PRC) through BackCheck and paying the National & Provincial membership fees. At the present time (Feb. 2022), Saskatchewan Trefoil Guild members do not pay a fee for Trefoil Guild membership.

The aim of Trefoil Guild is to keep alive the Spirit of Guiding, to carry that Spirit into the communities in which we live and work, to give support to youth and adult Guiding and to provide members with opportunities for fun and sisterhood. Activities are varied – speakers, crafts, tours to local interest places, potluck meals (during non-Covid19 times), audiovisual presentations, travel, restaurant testing (during non-covid19 times), helping out at unit meetings and special events, and service projects in the community. Each Guild decides how often the members meet and what its focus will be. Each Guild has a Trefoil Guild Lead and may have a secretary and/or treasurer.

Trefoil Guilds have been active in Canada since 1959. National Gatherings of Trefoil Guild members have been held approximately every three years since 1952, in various locations across the country (Gatherings have been postponed during the Covid19 pandemic).

Guilds in Saskatchewan

Currently, there are 13 Guild in Saskatchewan, spread out through the Bridging Rivers and Southern Horizons areas.

Bridging Rivers Area

  • 1st Saskatoon Trefoil Guild
  • 2nd Saskatoon Trefoil Guild
  • Meadow Lake Trefoil Guild
  • Prairie to Pine (District) Purple Petals Trefoil Guild
  • Taiga Trefoil Adventure Guild (base - Prince Albert)
  • Tiger Lily Trefoil Guild (base - Melfort)
  • Wildcats Trefoil Guild (base - Saskatoon)

Southern Horizons Area

  • 1st Prairie Spirit Trefoil Guild (base - Davidson)
  • Long Lake Trefoil Guild (base - Strasbourg)
  • Trefoil Adventure Guild (TAG) (base - Regina)
  • R & R Trefoil Guild (base - in Regina)
  • Regina Trefoil Guild
  • Yorkton trefoil Guild (base - Yorkton)

All registered Trefoil Guild members receive the Canadian Guider and the Prairie Lily publications*, as well as being covered by Girl Guide insurance.
*Note: These publications are on hold during the Covid19 pandemic.

To register with a Guild, email

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