Trefoil Guild

ANY Council Trefoil Guild Liaison:

For women 30+ who want to stay connected in Guiding. You can be involved in Guiding in any other position and be in a Trefoil Guild. Trefoil Guilds are for fun, friendship, and continued involvement in Guiding.

In Alberta we have 34 Guilds with 290 Members. They have various interests from camping and hiking to quilting to lunching to attending lectures to helping with girl registrations or adult trainings, to plays and visiting museums or all of the above depending on the interests and abilities of the Members of each Guild.

For more information, check out our Trefoil Guild Handbook, the National Trefoil Guild website, or contact if you have any questions or would like to register.

National Trefoil Guild Newsletter

Scroll down to view some of our Alberta Members in action!

This is the Mad Hatters Guild from Medicine Hat (Cypress Hills Area) as they support their community at a gift wrap service.

The Purple Martins Guild in Edmonton support Days for Girls making hygiene packages.

The Y-knots Guild from Calgary Area held a socially distanced outdoor meeting.

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