
Branch name change
Creating a place for girls to belong

Girl Guides of Canada has changed the name of our branch for 7-and-8-year-olds to Embers.

With this change, we hope even more girls will see Guiding as a space where they can just be themselves.

Embers Crest

Embers may be small but they’re full of potential! They have energy within them just waiting to be unleashed, and when they work together, they can ignite a powerful flame.


Introducing Embers

Is there a new Ember story?

Yes! See the Ember story tab above to watch the new story.

When will we start to see the new branch name online, in programming, resources, and other Guiding materials?

GGC is working to phase in the name Embers as quickly as possible. With many organizational resources to update, we anticipate missing some instances and ask for your patience and understanding. Please email inclusivity@girlguides.ca if you see a resource using the old name after September 1, 2023.

What will happen to program activities, badges and branch-specific elements like the Promise, Law and song?

The Promise, Law and song for this branch, along with program activities and badges will remain the same and will simply be updated with the new branch name. The focus for all girls in Guiding remains on fun, friendship, exploring her world and sharing new experiences – this will not change.

My child is in this branch, what will change for her?

If your child is currently in this branch, nothing will change for her. She’ll continue to discover real experiences together with friends at Girl Guides, now in a more inclusive space where even more girls can feel welcome and proud to belong.

Can members still wear shirts or crests with the old branch name?

Changing the name of this branch does not change members’ cherished memories and experiences as part of this branch. Acknowledging your nostalgia for your own experience by wearing or keeping branded Guiding gear with the old branch name is a personal choice. We ask members not to wear clothing with the old branch name after September 1, 2023 when representing GGC. If you have a crest with this name on a camp blanket or sash, be thoughtful about any presentations you might do with your blanket.

Should girls continue to wear their unit title tape on their badge sash with old branch name?

As of September 1, 2023 members should no longer wear title tape with the old branch name.

How and why we changed the name

Why did Girl Guides change the name of the branch for 7-and-8-year-olds?

As an organization driven by the experience of girls, Girl Guides of Canada must listen to girls’ voices. We heard from members and former members that the name Brownies caused them harm as racialized (Black, Indigenous and people of colour) girls and women. Some expressed not wanting to be part of this branch because of the name. Some girls said they skipped this branch altogether or delayed joining Girl Guides until after this branch. The old branch name was a barrier to racialized girls and women feeling part of the Guiding sisterhood and we could not continue to use a word that causes any girl harm. Part of the Girl Guide Promise is to ‘take action for a better world.’ Taking action by updating this branch name was an important step in creating a space where every girl feels that she belongs in Girl Guides.

How was the decision made to change the name of this branch?

It became clear that a change had to be made when we heard from past and current members that the old branch name caused harm.

The issue was brought to the Board of Directors, who approved the decision to change this branch name. They emphatically agreed this was the right action to take to reduce harm to racialized girls and stand by our commitment to inclusion, equity and anti-racism. This decision wais supported by Provincial Commissioners and the National Youth Council.

What kind of community consultation was done as part of this decision?

In the process of preparing to change this branch name, GGC consulted with racialized members, past members, and community members. Over the course of several months, GGC consulted with several community organizations from across the country that focus on issues predominately impacting racialized communities. Specifically, we sought their insights into how language impacts experiences and feelings of safety and belonging for girls, and how to thoughtfully implement this change. GGC also consulted with racialized girls to hear their thoughts around new names, resources for girls and Guiders, and considerations on where to prioritize support for members.

How was this new branch name chosen?

Girl Guide members were invited to have their say on two shortlisted branch names which were developed in consultation with racialized girls in Guiding, the National Indigenous Advisory Circle, community partners and organizations, as well as GGC National Youth Council, Provincial Commissioners and Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Facilitators.

Girl and adult members alike were overwhelmingly in favour of Embers as the new branch name.

How was the old branch name harmful when the name came from folklore?

The name of this branch was not changed because of its origins in folklore. This change was made because of how this name made girls and women feel. We heard from racialized girls that they didn’t like being called a Brownie. This was a name that made them feel extremely uncomfortable, prompted teasing and racist comments and was a barrier to feeling that they belong at Girl Guides. Continuing to use a name that we have been directly told by girls has caused them harm would go against everything that we stand for as an organization.

I have memories of this branch level and am finding it hard to adjust to this change. Why are we changing a name that has been used for so long?

We know that many girls and women have cherished memories and value their experiences as part of this branch, but we cannot continue to do things that are harmful to others. We have to adapt our practices to prioritize inclusivity and we will continue to do so.

By making this change, we are working towards what we value most in Guiding – creating inclusive spaces where all girls can feel like they belong. The magic of the branch will continue under a different name that makes girls feel more welcome and will build the feeling of belonging.

We look forward to creating new experiences together which make all girls feel welcome.

I have questions about this change – who can I contact?

Please reach out to inclusivity@girlguides.ca.

*Adult members: Please see our full list of resources on Member Zone

I am a racialized member who has experienced harm due to this branch name. Is there someone I can speak to about my experience?

Girl Guides had said that all girls and women would be accepted, respected and included, but we know that has not always been true.

If you have experienced harm in Girl Guides due to the old branch name, please email inclusivity@girlguides.ca and we will connect you with the counselling supports we are making available as part of this branch name change.

Read our press release announcing the new name.

Read our press release about why we're changing the name.

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