Galaxy Gazers
Galaxy Gazers is a new resource developed by the BC Girl Guides Program Committee for Sparks and Embers to use this spring. This collection of engaging activities encourages youth members to learn, explore, and play with everything related to space. Sparks and Embers will enjoy hands-on exploration, fun art projects, craft activities, and star gazing. They will dive into this easy-to-use and fun resource over two to three regular meetings or a day camp.
Kit sales are now closed. Kits were mailed out April 7, 2024. Thank you for taking part in BC Program's Galaxy Gazer kits.
Cookie Palooza Aprons!
The BC Program team wants to help you with your cookie sales! What better way to grab people's attention than a special cookie apron that you can wear at cookie booths or during your door-to-door cookie campaign? The apron is a perfect way to represent Girl Guides when the weather is a little cooler and your uniform isn't visible. The aprons will fit Sparks to adults and cost $11 each.
Units in the Lower Mainland will be given locations for pick-up.
There is a limited supply, so order now from the BC Program Committee Specialty Order form before they are all gone! To support the fall cookie campaign, we will ship out every second week from mid-September to the end of October or until they are gone.
If you are concerned about not having a lot of money in your bank account at the start of this Guiding year don’t worry. No unit will be invoiced until the end of October.
Click on the thumbnails above to see the full picture.
Tree-mendous Trees
Discover BC's forests this May. Tree-mendous Trees of BC is a resource developed by the BC Program Committee for all branch levels to use in their unit programming. This theme encourages units to get active and visible in the community, as well as familiar in nature - identifying trees, learning what roles they play in our ecosystem, and maybe even try their hand at making paper!
This theme combines several program areas, including physical activity, STEM, environmental awareness, exploring local community, and more. Our committee has worked together to design an easy-to-use enrichment resource for Guiders that can be easily applied to unit meetings (or day camps) with content that is relevant across all units in BC covering a subject that many may not have tackled before.
Sparks: Let's Get Sporty
Get your Sparks outdoors and active in April, May or June! Your unit can enjoy favourite childhood activities while increasing your level of fitness with the Let's Get Sporty program-in-a-box. From March 9-17, units can order kits of sporty supplies to develop motor skills through individual and team fun – with activity instructions to use the gear – for unit meetings, unit camps or district/area Spark events.
The cost is $6 per Spark, including a crest for each participant, and kits will be sold in multiples of five. Orders will be on a first-come, first-served basis and will be available as of April 10 for local area pickup by Lower Mainland units, or mailed to those in other BC locations.
GUEST with a Twist
A long-time favourite event, Guides Exploring Science and Technology (GUEST), is back in an all-new flexible format. GUEST encourages Guides to explore STEM with a fun program-in-a-box – complete it at a day event or over two to three regular meetings.
Inside the box, you’ll find supplies to dive into electronics, including light bracelets and bristle bots. Participating units will receive instructions for projects, plus dozens more STEM activities. Selected groups may also receive additional science gear at no extra cost – winning units will be notified.
Kits will be sold from March 9-17, and mailed to Guiders between April 10 and 15. The cost is $10 per Guide, including a crest for each participant, available in multiples of five on a first-come, first-served basis.
These Bones 2022
These Bones is a special November 2022 event to get your unit active and finding out how to keep your bones healthy. Complete your unit activities in November to order a limited-edition crest.
These Bones 2022 Activity Guide (PDF)
Please Note: At this time These Bones crests are out of stock due to overwhelming uptake. Check out Guidepost for upcoming Program Committee activities.
Love your bones? Finished all the requirements for These Bones 2022? BC units (only) can order crests for any youth members and guiders who completed the activities. Please only order for those who took part, to ensure every participant in BC can get their crest. Funds will be withdrawn from your unit's Unified Banking (UB) account. Please provide the correct UB number (ask your treasurer if you are unsure).
After completing activities and ordering your crest, you can send photos to
Bee Aware is a special May 2022 event to get your unit outside and enjoying spring activities. Find out about local pollinators. Bees are found throughout our province, and these amazing creatures pollinate many of the crops we eat. Complete your unit activities by May 15th to receive a limited-edition crest - details are in the activity guide