Trefoil Guild ages 30+

Trefoil Guild is a membership activity for women over 30. In many cases, Trefoil Guild members have been members of Guiding in a variety of roles for many years and join the Trefoil Guild to keep in touch with the organization and each other. Members who are actively Guiding are invited to join a Trefoil Guild in addition to working with a unit.

In Newfoundland and Labrador, we have 20 Guilds (see list below) with approximately 170 Members. They have various interests from camping and hiking to lunching and attending lectures, helping with girl registrations or adult trainings, attending plays and visiting museums, depending on the interests and abilities of the Members of each Guild. To get a sense of what Trefoil Guilds do, check out the Trefoil Guild News - March 2024 edition.

If you are new to Girl Guides and are interested in Trefoil Guild Guiding, visit the Trefoil Guild page for information on new member screening.

If you are a fully screened member and want to join a Guild, contact your provincial council at

Your Provincial Trefoil Guild Liaison can also answer questions or connect you to a Guild. Please contact Pat Burton at

Trefoil Gathering 2024

Newfoundland and Labrador Trefoil Guild and Link Gathering

Theme: Purple Power
Date: June 7-9, 2024
Location: Lion Max Simms Memorial Camp - P.O Box 760, Bishop Falls, NL A0H 1C0
Who: Trefoil Guild & Link Members
Cost: $200 + HST for whole weekend; $80 + HST for Saturday only.
Registration Deadline: April 30, 2024

This event has been cancelled.

Con Ba Su Area

  • Caribou Trefoil Guild
  • Killick Trefoil Guild

Eastern Bays Area

  • Golden Girls Trefoil Guild

Long Range Trails Area

  • Humber Valley Trefoil Guild
  • Long Range Trail Blazers Trefoil Guild
  • Sou'westers and Chickadees Trefoil Guild

Northern Mosaic Area

  • The Big Land Trefoil Guild

Ocean's Edge Area

  • Golden Gems Trefoil Guild
  • LOL Trefoil Guild
  • Mel’s Belles Trefoil Guild
  • Purple Lollipop Trefoil Guild
  • Purple Pearls Trefoil Guild
  • Soiree Trefoil Guild

Trefoil Central Area

  • Campfire Cronies Trefoil Guild
  • Crossroads Trefoil Guild
  • Heritage Trefoil Guild

Tuckamore Area

  • Can-Ta-Ka-Ye Trefoil Guild
  • Centennial Embers Trefoil Guild
  • Coasters Trefoil Guild
  • Fireside Friends Trefoil Guild
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