Becoming a Trainer

In another aspect of your life, are you a teacher or have other teaching experience? Are you a Guider who loves to share her resources and expertise with others? Then we encourage you to consider becoming a Trainer and join our team!

For more detailed information on how to begin and continue with the Trainer Candidate process, please take a look at our How-To Guide (September 2021).

How to Become a Trainer Candidate (TC)

A Guider interested in becoming a Trainer Candidate is to complete the Trainer Candidate Application Form (TR.3) and submit the signed form along with a recent iMIS profile to her Area Training Adviser (ATA).

  • Once the ATA receives a TR.3 and recent iMIS profile, she or her delegate (an experienced trainer) will contact the Guiding reference listed on the TR.3 and record the results on the Trainer Candidate Reference Form (AB-Training.04).
  • The ATA in consultation with the Area Commissioner fills out the Council recommendation section on the AB-Training.04.
  • Once reference has been contacted and Area recommendation has been obtained, the 3 documents (TR.3, iMIS profile & AB-Training.04) are submitted to the Trainer Records & Development Coordinator.
    • Incomplete or incorrect forms will be returned. o These can be submitted to the Trainer Records & Development Coordinator at any time during the year.
  • Following the submission of the TR.3, iMIS profile and AB-Training.04 to the Trainer Records & Development Coordinator, the documents will be reviewed by the Provincial Training Committee Executive and if approved, the Guider will receive a confirmation letter from the executive. The candidate appointment will be entered into iMIS which will then give the Trainer Candidate access to the trainers’ section in Member Zone on the national website as well as begin receiving Training specific communications.
  • The new trainer candidate will receive a New Trainer Kit from the Provincial Training Committee at the earliest opportunity following the completion of the TEAM Trainer Stream modules.

The final approval for appointment as a trainer candidate is done by the Executive of the Provincial Training Committee.

Trainer Candidate (TC) Process

The TC will be informed of opportunities to take the trainer pre-requisites: Understanding the Adult Learner
TEAM enrichment module and the TEAM Trainer Stream Modules if she has not taken them previously.
The Trainer Stream modules are offered provincially, usually at the Provincial Trainers Workshop. o It should be noted that any Guiding member is able to take the TEAM Trainer Stream Modules however completion of these modules does not automatically appoint the guider as a Trainer Candidate.
Once these modules have been completed she will be awarded the Trainer Stream pin and there is no obligation to become a Trainer Candidate. The Trainer Candidate process still must be followed if she chooses to apply to become a Trainer Candidate.
o If the prospective trainer has experience as a ‘trainer of adults’ she may request equivalency for some or all of the Trainer Stream Modules. To request equivalency for these modules, the Guider must complete the Training Equivalency Form (TR.1) and submit it to her Area Training Adviser (ATA).

  • Once a Candidate has been appointed, the ATA will invite the TC to the Area training committee meetings.
  • The TC will be invited to attend trainings as an observer.
  • The TC is assigned a Mentor by the ATA in consultation with the TC.
    • Once the Mentor has been confirmed the ATA notifies their iMIS home of this mentoring partnership
    • The ATA notifies the Trainer Records & Development Coordinator of the mentoring partnership.
    • If there is not a Mentor indicated on the submitted paperwork the Trainer Records & Development Coordinator goes back to the ATA and asks if one has been assigned or assists in finding an appropriate Mentor.
    • The Trainer Candidate may request several mentors to help her expand her skills.
  • Once a mentor is assigned, the TC and mentor will work together on the following: o TC works with her mentor to develop and understand the goals they are trying to achieve. Completing the Mentor Work Sheet Goal Setting form will assist them in this mentoring relationship.
    • Observe her mentor/designate deliver at least one training o Team train at least two trainings (different modules, if possible)
    • Perform a self-assessment of trainer competencies using the Trainer Observation Rubric and discuss with mentor
    • Do one training solo and receive feedback from her mentor/designate to gauge experience and create a further development plan if required.
  • The Trainer Candidate is to submit the Annual Trainer Report (TR.4) and the Alberta Trainer’s Biographical Record (AB-Training.01) each year indicating the trainings she has facilitated and any professional development trainings she has taken over the year. Submission of these forms allows the TC to become familiar with the forms and how/when to submit them their submission also keep the ATA appraised of Candidate’s progress.
    • The forms must be sent to the ATA for submission to the Trainer Records & Development Coordinator on or before July 15th each year.

A Trainer Candidate has up to three years from the candidate appointment date, to complete the Trainer Candidate process. This date is also listed in iMIS however the Trainer Records & Development
Coordinator will send a letter to the Trainer Candidate, her Mentor and her ATA, 6 months in advance of the 3 year completion date as a reminder that her candidacy expiry date is fast approaching.

Trainer Appointment

When the trainer candidate feels she is ready to be appointed as a trainer, she must have her training skills assessed in partnership with her mentor using the Trainer Self-Evaluation (TR.5), the Trainer Observation (TR.6 along with the Trainer Observation Rubric) and Participants Evaluation (TR.8 or an equivalent summary) forms. Note: The Trainer Candidate has three years from their candidate appointment date to complete the Trainer Candidate process and get to this stage, but may do so earlier if they are ready. It is strongly recommended that the evaluation training session is on a TEAM Foundation or Enrichment module and are done solo.

Once the trainer has been assessed, she is to submit the following documentation to her ATA within 30 days of the training.

  • The Self-Evaluation (TR.5) form from the assessed training.
  • The signed Trainer Observation (TR.6) form from the assessed training. If the trainer candidate is comfortable, she is encouraged to submit the Trainer Observation Rubric.
  • A summary of the Participant Session Evaluation (TR.8 or an equivalent summary) from the assessed training.

Please note, the TR.5, TR.6 and TR.8s must be from the same training session and are to be sent into the trainer’s Area Training Adviser within 30 days of the end of the training. The assessment training is to take place within three years of becoming a trainer candidate.

Once the ATA has received the above documents, she will look them over to ensure all information is included. She will then complete the AB-Training.03 including a recommendation from the mentor and the Area. Please note: The Area recommendation must be done in consultation with the Area Commissioner with a note or signatures of recommendation.

Once all pertinent documents and recommendations have been obtained, the ATA will submit everything
to the Provincial Trainer Records & Development Coordinator. The application will be then be reviewed by the Provincial Training Committee at the earliest opportunity.

Upon approval, the trainer candidate will be appointed as a trainer for a three year term, receive a Trainer pin at the earliest opportunity and their iMIS profile will be updated to reflect that she is has been appointed as a trainer.

Should the candidate be unsuccessful, a discussion will take place between the TC, ATA and Provincial Training Adviser to determine the next course of action. A new mentor should be arranged if she wishes to continue.

The final approval for appointment from candidate to trainer is done by the Executive of the Provincial Training Committee.

Links to all National and Provincial Training Forms you need can be found on our Forms and Resources

For more information please contact your Area Training Adviser or email

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